Peace, Love, Natural Birth

“Why would you want to do that?”. I am choosing natural
childbirth for many reasons. Most natural childbirth techniques are not
invasive so there’s very little potential for harm or side effects to me or my
baby. With an epidural, I feel there’s a loss of sensation and alertness.
Without the epidural, I hope to be able to move around more freely and find
positions that help me stay comfortable during labor and allow my body to do
what it’s naturally made to do during childbirth. Many women who choose an
epidural are in need of interventions (i.e. bladder catheter, vacuum
extraction, forceps delivery or Pitocin - to make contractions stronger). I am choosing natural childbirth to –hopefully
– reduce risks that medication could pose for both me and baby Colton.

Choose a supportive practitioner
Select a place of birth that will help you
Have a birth plan
Hire a doula
Learn about labor positioning
Use a birth ball
Take a childbirth class
Read a good book
Get support from like-minded friends and family
Learn about pain relieving techniques
Some people say that having an epidural is the “easy way”
in childbirth. I have never had a child, but I can say there’s probably not an “easy
way”. Each birthing method is a personal choice and I don’t feel that there’s a
wrong or right way, only the best way that makes each of us feel most comfortable.
Having support from those around me makes
a huge difference in my decision. It’s easy to feel unsure, discouraged and
question my decision when I constantly hear how “crazy” I am for choosing
natural childbirth. I’m so lucky to have a supportive husband, family and
doctor who are encouraging me in my choice. I know that childbirth is going to
be hard and I know it’s going to be the worst pain I’ve ever felt. But, if I
can endure the pain, long enough to get my precious baby boy into this world,
then I’m going to give it my best shot.
Helpful Natural Childbirth Sites Reading Material I
found helpful Ina
May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin Birthing
from Within by Pam England Journey
Into Motherhood by Sherri L. Menelli
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