Cord Blood Banking

At 30 weeks, Colton is packing on his weight and starting to
control his own body temperature (and mine). I’m so thankful he’s a winter baby
because I have my own, personal, internal heater! I’m starting to experience –
the most common and annoying pregnancy ailment – heartburn. Luckily, it comes
rarely and leaves quickly, but I’m sure it will get worse in the next few weeks.
I feel like our little guy is going to be a boxer – he punches and kicks me
most of the day and – quite honestly – I love it. I can see him moving as I
type these very words. He’s VERY active today. I hope he knows how much I love
him (already)!
I had never heard of “Cord Blood Banking” until today. My question
was “what is that?”. Cord blood is what remains in the umbilical cord and
placenta following birth. Cord blood contains stem cells that can be used to
treat certain diseases (such as cancers) and it’s a safe, painless procedure
that is performed just after the baby is born. More and more parents are saving
their baby’s cord blood, either for donation to a public facility to be used by
others in need, or for private storage so it’s available should the need arise
within their own family.
Generally, an expectant mother – if interested in Cord Blood
Banking – should contact the bank before the 34th week of pregnancy.
The National Marrow Donor Program has a
list of public cord blood banks on their website. Cord blood banking is a
personal choice, made by both parents. There is a lot of information out there
on the benefits of and the controversy among medical societies.
A few
informational sites on Cord Blood Banking
At this point, cord blood banking is not something that Matt and I will choose for Colton. However, it’s a new (to us) idea to research and educate ourselves on, for future
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