Hello, my name is...

Of course, being a female, I have had a list of baby names since I can remember. Looking back at that list now, I can laugh at a lot of the names I had written down, but some of those names are on my current list. I always thought that naming a baby was going to be so easy, I would just narrow down the list to my top 5 and then match it with a middle name - and boom, the baby has a name. I forgot one little piece of the puzzle - the father - he has opinion too. Since we had different opinions on what we wanted to name our little guy, we decided to write down two lists - he wrote down his top 10 names and I wrote down mine. Once we had our lists complete, we picked the names that were alike from each list, but only one name matched out of all 20 names we wrote down. I thought that since that one name was the only common, that it would be our baby's name, but I was wrong. Since that initial list, we have made several more - and it seems that we're getting farther from a common goal instead of closer. I'm okay with the fact that our baby still remains "nameless" because I would rather wait and name him something that Matt and I are both sure of - and that means something to us.
I'm not going to lie, it's getting old calling him "baby boy" and "little guy". In fact, my Dad was tired of calling him "it" and "him" that he has named him "Conrad" until we actually give him a name (and the sad part is, I caught myself calling him that once). So, at 26 weeks along...our baby boy is still nameless. I know in my heart that if we're not sure of a name for him between now and the time he arrives, that we will be able to take one look at him and know exactly what his name is.
In the "olden days" people had to wait until birth to settle on the final name so no pressure, you still have plenty of time.
ReplyDeleteI know, with all the technology, it's easy to forget that back in the day, everybody waited til the baby arrived. No pressure, just anxious...and we do have plenty of time :)