
Cantaloupe - it was the only food that sounded good to me during my first couple of months of pregnancy. I just couldn't eat enough of it. I wouldn't call it a "craving" but it was just the most delicious thing I could think of to eat :-) Throughout my entire pregnancy, the one common has been fruit, and at 24 weeks - I'm still not tired of it.

I signed up at for weekly updates on my pregnancy. The website automatically sends emails each week about warning signs, pregnancy symptoms that I might be feeling that particular week and how the baby is growing and developing. With each update, "they" compare the baby's size to a particular fruit. I love these updates because it gives me something to compare our growing boy against - and allows me to visualize a size in my mind. Ironic enough - this week our baby is the size of a cantaloupe :-)


  1. Coconut, cantaloupe...uhmmmm that means watermelon will be coming along pretty soon!! ;) Love you!!


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