All four of my grandparents are still alive, and at age 30, I consider myself blessed. Not only are my grandparents alive - they are very well and active. Both sets still own their own homes, live by themselves and are (still) very involved in my life. I really can't imagine my life without them and I dread the day when I feel their absence. I am thankful for each day that I'm given to spend with them and try very hard not to take any of those precious moments for granted. My Papaw S. will be 87 this month, and on the same day, my Papaw B. turns 78. These men have been strong, loving role models for me. My Mamaw S. turned 81 in August of this year and in January, my Mamaw B. will be 74. I can't even begin to explain the love I have for these amazing, beautiful women. They are so strong and have been a huge part of my life (I can only pray that I age as gracefully as they have). Throughout the years, my grandparents have been to dancing events, basketball games, track meets, birthday parties, competitions, recitals, graduations and everything in between. Even today - I still have their loving support.

Today, as I was talking to my Mamaw B, I realized something pretty amazing - our son is going to be lucky enough to have all 4 of his grandparents and 6 of his great-grandparents in his early life. I don't know if he will be old enough to remember them (I pray that he is) but I will cherish the fact that all of my grandparents AND both of Matt's grandmas will get a chance to meet our little guy. God has blessed me with so many beautiful memories spent with my grandparents and I pray that my little man will be blessed with as many memories with his...
Oh I hope and pray little man Neal will be able to share in the strength, advice, and love from his parents, grandparents and GREAT-Grandparents, too! He will truly be blessed!