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Today I turn the big 30!!! It doesn't seem real that I'm actually old enough to be 30. I mean, I remember my Mom and Dad being 30. It's hard to wrap my mind around. I have to admit, I wasn't excited about this birthday - at all. I guess it's not that I feel like 30 is so old, it's just that I LOVED my 20's. I felt like nothing could be as good as the last 10 years of my life. During my 20's I did the college thing, I traveled across (and out of) the country, lived it up, moved, learned, grew, found life-long friendships, went through heartbreaks, made mistakes, loved deeply and became a woman...

Once I got pregnant, the idea of nothing being better than my 20's changed somewhat. I will be bringing our sweet baby boy into this world in my 30's -- and I don't think anything can top that :-) I'm 23 weeks along on my 30th birthday and I honestly couldn't feel better. I'm blessed to have a healthy baby growing, a loving husband, a supportive family, a great group of friends and a God who is watching over me.


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