Christmas Traditions
Christmas has come and gone faster than I thought it would. It feels like it has taken FOREVER to get from December 1st to today, but I know that I only feel that way because I'm 9 months pregnant and VERY ready to have this baby! Honestly, this year has flown by and I can't believe we're at the close of it already. 2012 was good to us and I'm so excited to see what God has in store for us in 2013.
I'm so blessed to have all four of my grandparents in my life. Ever since I can remember, we have spent Christmas Eve with my Dad's family and Christmas Day with my Mom's family. The only difference this year was the uncertainty of when our little guy was going to decide to show up and because he decided to stay put (for the time being), we were able to carry on the 30 year old traditions I've always known.

On Christmas Eve we were able to drive over the mountain to North Carolina and enjoy time with the Shelton clan. Good food (and way too much of it), games, laughter and being together makes Christmas Eve one of my favorite days/nights of the entire year. I didn't let 9 months of pregnancy keep me from another favorite tradition of mine - Christmas Morning. I have a 25+ year old tradition of waking my sister up bright and early. This concept is foreign to most people seeing as I am NOT a morning person and usually the last one in my family to actually get out of bed but there's just something magical about Christmas. I was awake at 4:15AM but waited (patiently) to wake the rest of the house an hour later. We were all enjoying coffee and cinnamon rolls by 6AM. Mom's parents joined us and we had an amazing feast for lunch (including another one of my husband's now famous fried turkeys). These traditions are so special to me and I know that one day they will change, but for as long as I can, I want to keep the traditions alive and I look forward to sharing them with our little munchkin next Christmas.

The close of another year makes me stop and think about how blessed I am. I'm so thankful for a warm place to call home, a supportive husband, loving family, plenty of food to eat, reliable vehicles to get us from point A to point B and enough love to make anything possible. Matt and I have experienced a lot of changes this year, and those changes have made us stronger and wiser. It's always a little sad to see a chapter close, but it's so exciting when a new one starts. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and that you take time to reflect and focus on the good in your life! Wishing you many blessings, Merry Christmas!
I'm so blessed to have all four of my grandparents in my life. Ever since I can remember, we have spent Christmas Eve with my Dad's family and Christmas Day with my Mom's family. The only difference this year was the uncertainty of when our little guy was going to decide to show up and because he decided to stay put (for the time being), we were able to carry on the 30 year old traditions I've always known.

On Christmas Eve we were able to drive over the mountain to North Carolina and enjoy time with the Shelton clan. Good food (and way too much of it), games, laughter and being together makes Christmas Eve one of my favorite days/nights of the entire year. I didn't let 9 months of pregnancy keep me from another favorite tradition of mine - Christmas Morning. I have a 25+ year old tradition of waking my sister up bright and early. This concept is foreign to most people seeing as I am NOT a morning person and usually the last one in my family to actually get out of bed but there's just something magical about Christmas. I was awake at 4:15AM but waited (patiently) to wake the rest of the house an hour later. We were all enjoying coffee and cinnamon rolls by 6AM. Mom's parents joined us and we had an amazing feast for lunch (including another one of my husband's now famous fried turkeys). These traditions are so special to me and I know that one day they will change, but for as long as I can, I want to keep the traditions alive and I look forward to sharing them with our little munchkin next Christmas.

The close of another year makes me stop and think about how blessed I am. I'm so thankful for a warm place to call home, a supportive husband, loving family, plenty of food to eat, reliable vehicles to get us from point A to point B and enough love to make anything possible. Matt and I have experienced a lot of changes this year, and those changes have made us stronger and wiser. It's always a little sad to see a chapter close, but it's so exciting when a new one starts. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and that you take time to reflect and focus on the good in your life! Wishing you many blessings, Merry Christmas!
Christmas traditions (past, present and future) are such wonderful times in our lives. So glad you continue to enjoy those you've had with your family and it's soooo very exciting to see what new "traditions" you'll create with your own family. I, too, am blessed with wonderful traditions and sons & daughters-in-law, daughter & son-in-law...and of course GRANDBABIES!! Miles are only as far as we allow them to be and through all your sharing on here, Renee, I truly feel like I've been right around the corner!!! Anxious to see the new adventures for you & Matt (and little Colton!!) in 2013! I know God will continue to bless you all! Love you!!