So I realize that walking stairs while 9 months pregnant,
may help induce my labor, but ultimately just makes me really sore. I think I was
a little ambitious (or stupid) yesterday and I’m paying the price for it today.
I made about 15 trips up and down the stairs, walked around our complex at work
(approximately ½ mile) and exercised with the medicine ball last night. It
seems so silly to think that this is much of a workout, but apparently it was a
major workout for this big mama.
Today, I hit the 38 week mark and I’m continuing on the
path of positive thinking! I don’t have my mind totally focused on Colton’s
arrival, now I have the soreness/pain in my butt and legs to think about. I’m
planning on making a few more trips up and down the stairs at work today during
down time, only because it’s a better alternative to just sitting around and
At week 38, Colton is about the size of a pumpkin and he
might already have an inch or so of hair. I’m honestly running out of things to
say about him, because he is fully developed at this point and there are no
major changes from week to week (besides his weight/size), he just needs to
come out and meet the world. I assure you, as soon as he arrives, I will have
plenty of new things to talk about!
As for me, I’m just trying to distinguish the different between
the aches, pains, contractions and other random changes I’m feeling. This whole
experience has been amazing and I can’t believe we’re so close to the finish. I’ve
been so busy waiting on Colton, that I overlooked the fact that Matt and I only
have, at most, a couple of weeks together as a family of 2. This weekend, I’m
going to enjoy some time with my husband and count my blessings.
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