The definition of patience is "the quality of
being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain
without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like; an ability or
willingness to suppress relentlessness or annoyance when confronted with
delay". Over the past few days, this is the complete opposite of the
definition you would find under Renée Neal in the dictionary. Over the past few
days, I have felt beyond frustrated and have been SO impatient. I have been
praying for the strength to overcome this roadblock. I have so much to be
thankful for, and I’m trying to focus on those blessings to get me through the
next couple of weeks.
One of the blessings that I’m most thankful for is my family. After a long, emotional weekend and a visit to the doctor
yesterday, I had much needed time with my family last night. My sister invited
us (Mom, Dad, Matt and myself) to meet in Asheville for a dinner in honor of my
dad’s birthday (a few days early). We ate at Bonefish Grill and I don’t know if it’s because I’m
38 weeks pregnant or because they have delicious food (or both) but what a great meal.
Maybe it was as much the company as the food that made for such a nice dinner,
but either way, I’m thankful. It was so nice to escape from the pregnancy “funk”
for a couple of hours and just enjoy stories and laughs (I even wore high heels
for the first time in 9 months). Laughter truly is the best medicine. I’m so
thankful for my supportive family. They know me inside and out and are able to
bring out the best of me, even when I feel my worst. It’s amazing to me how one
little dinner can bring me back to reality – I am so blessed.
this week, my goal is to work on being more patient, not just with myself
during this pregnancy, but with everybody. I’m guessing I’m going to need a LOT
of patience once our little guy is born, so why not start working on it now,
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