Almost Full Term

I have learned that week 36 in pregnancy is just not a lot of fun. I’m so close, but still so far away. These past 5 days have taken longer than the first 250 days put together and I’m feeling so impatient. The only things getting me through this week are the fact that Colton will be considered full-term by the end of the week and celebrating Christmas with the Neal family this weekend!

You wouldn’t think that putting on a pair of shoes would be such a difficult task, but these days, it’s one of the things I dread the most. Not only do I hate putting my shoes on in the morning, I dread taking them off my swollen feet every evening. Why can’t I just wear flip flops to work? I’m really looking forward to pampering myself with a pedicure this week. Oh the things I could complain about this week, but really, I’m so thankful for our healthy baby boy that he really is worth all the pain.

Colton weighs about 6 pounds by now and, as confirmed by our Doctor appointment yesterday, is in head down position.  Now that he’s taking up so much room and has dropped into my pelvis area, I’m visiting the bathroom a lot more often and starting to get the oh so pregnant walk, better known as the waddle.  This week has brought on more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions and, as of yesterday, I’m 1cm dilated and 30% effaced. The bad news is it could still be weeks before he decides to arrive. The good news is, he will be “full-term” by Friday and could be here any day now!


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