Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! You have probably heard this phrase a lot today, but the actual “holiday” we celebrate as Halloween, originated as All Hallows’ Evening (better known as All Hallows’ Eve). All Hallows’ Eve is thought to have pagan roots, linked to the Celtic festival Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for “summer’s end”. Samhain was the first (and most important) of the four quarter days in the Gaelic calendar and was held on October 31 st or November 1 st . Samhain was thought to be the time when a door was opened to our world that allowed souls of the dead and other beings (fairies) to enter. In parts of Ireland and Scottish Highlands, turnip lanterns, sometimes with carved faces, were made on Samhain in the 19 th century. These were used to light the way while outside on a dark Samhain night but also have been used to represent the spirits and fairies and/or protect a person from them. Halloween is thought to be influenced by Christians who celebrate ...