Control - learning to give it up

It's amazing how just when I feel like giving up, God gives me enough strength to keep going! This doesn't just happen in one area of my life, it's everywhere...all the time. I was beyond frustrated with Colton's sleeping habits (or lack there of) and when I finally just gave up control and accepted it for what it was, he started sleeping like a champ! Just when I was about to give up hope of Matt finding a job to provide security so that we can find a home and finally "settle" somewhere, God opened a door for us. I am absolutely certain that God's plan is far better than any "plan" I could ever dream up.

After much searching, exploring, trial and error, Matt and I have decided that we will be settling in Greeneville, TN for a while longer (hopefully much longer). After waiting almost 6 weeks to finalize a "start date" with a job in Chattanooga, Matt decided to follow up on a job opening here in Greeneville. We felt like if Greeneville is where we were meant to be, God would surely show us some kind of sign. Matt and I were both beyond frustrated that after so long, we were still not sure when we could even think about moving and started questioning the directions we have been looking. Last week, on Thursday morning, Matt took his resume and headed to Reliable Building Services. After bringing an application home to complete, he returned and was offered a job "on the spot". There are pros/cons to this job vs the one in Chattanooga but the biggest pro was the fact that the starting pay was more and they wanted him to start on Monday! We think that was a pretty solid "sign" that this is where we should be (at least for now) and after much discussion, prayer and thought he decided to accept the job with Reliable Builders and stay in Greeneville.

Of course I'm thrilled about staying in Greeneville for so many reasons. Having family close by to help with Colton will allow me to go back to work if I decide to (even if it's only part time). Not only am I able to start my Tennessee Thunder Clogging ( classes back up at Winter & Co Dance Studio but I will also be working with the wellness program at Laughlin Memorial Hospital as an instructor for the the clogging team there (! So many exciting and positive things have happened in just a few short days of us making the decision to stay here in Greeneville. Isn't God great? I think so.

I love how God has been working in my life. He is teaching me what true patience is and helping me to realize that I have to give up control in order for Him to work His "magic" in my life. I am learning so much as a Mom but I'm also learning so much as a child of God. I have a lot more to learn, but I finally feel like I'm able to slow down and listen. I'll continue to make mistakes and bad decisions from time to time but I am certain that if I just give up control and trust in the Lord, He will continue to lead me down the path that He has made for me.


  1. That sounds like the God I serve :)

  2. Happy to hear there is some security on the horizon. I know that's been so stressful for y'all. xx


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