Whirlwind Week
Boy, I have a lot to catch up on since my last post! It's been a week. Sheesh, time sure does fly when you're having fun, right? Where do I start...? I guess I'll start with last week.
On Wednesday of last week, I discovered the true meaning of a "teething baby". Colton has been doing a lot of drooling over the past several weeks and doing the "hands in mouth" thing. I figured he was just obsessed with his hands (like most babies his age) and also thought that we were getting closer to "teething time". I had no idea when it would actually hit. Well, it hit last Wednesday. I discovered two (very faint) white dots on his lower gums and said "awww, buddy you're getting teeth". Yeah, there's no "awww" about it. Poor little guy was miserable. I tried the teething toys, cold cloth, Tylenol and Orajel but he wasn't getting much relief. Out of exhaustion and desperation, I reached out - via Facebook - to my Mom friends for advice. I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with so much helpful information. The one common denominator seemed to be "teething tablets". I had never heard of such a thing but I started my research. Since it was so late on Wednesday night, I had to just do the best we could to get through the night. Needless to say that I headed to Walgreens on Thursday morning and picked up Hyland's Homeopathic - Baby Teething Tablets. I couldn't tell you how they work, but I can tell you they work...and to be honest, (to me) that's all that matters!
Thursday was a busy day. After I purchased the teething tablets, Colton was able to rest better throughout the day and I was able to get a lot of laundry, cleaning and packing done. Yes, packing. We (Matt, Colton and I) were going to be making our first road trip - to Indiana. It was a pretty last minute decision and a total surprise to my sister-in-law. Dani (my sister-in-law) was visiting Indiana (from Texas) for a baby shower with her family. Originally, Matt and I weren't sure we were going to be able to make it, but things worked out. I was so excited to keep it a surprise for Dani because she hasn't been able to meet Colton yet.
Friday, we started our journey. We got up, had the car loaded and were on the road by 8:30am (not too bad for our first try). Colton did much better than expected on the road. I wasn't really sure how things were going to go since he doesn't usually like to be in his car seat AND he is dealing with new teeth coming in. I must say, he was quite the little traveler. We made several stops on the way up to let him out and stretch his legs/eat/change diapers/etc.. and still made it in about 7 and 1/2 hours (normally a 6 to 6 and 1/2 hour trip for just Matt and me). I'm sure others have made better time, so this is nothing to brag about but I'm still going to brag - I was pretty happy.
Once we made it Indiana, we were able to visit with a few people who have not been able to meet Colton and who we haven't seen in several months. Of course we were so bummed that we weren't able to get around to everybody we wanted to see - I guess that's what happens when you try to fit 7 days into 3. Either way, I'm extremely thankful for those friendly faces that we did get to see and I'm sorry to those we didn't.
Saturday was Dani's baby shower. What a great day. So many friends and family were able to come be with her and celebrate the soon-to-be addition to our family. I'm so happy for her and her husband, Phil...I'm just sad that they are in Texas and we are in Tennessee. That's a long way from my new nephew. I am very thankful for the time we were able to be with them.
Colton got a chance to meet almost all of his cousins, great Aunts/Uncles AND on Sunday he was finally able to meet his Great Grandma Neal. Colton has now met all 4 of his Great Grandmas and I feel so blessed that this is even possible. Matt's Grandma Neal suffered a stroke a few months ago, so being able to visit with her on Sunday made for a good day!
Of course our trips never seem to allow enough time to do all we want to do, but we did get a lot done in a few short days. Every time Colton fell asleep, he woke up in a new place. He was such a trooper. Matt and I are very used to traveling together so adding a baby really changed things (in a good way). Our trip back to Tennessee went great. Colton (with the help of Benadryl) slept a good chunk of the trip. Our motto was to drive as far as we can, as fast as we can for as long as we can while he sleeps. It worked out pretty well.
So, we are now halfway through another week...and we have lots planned for the next few days! I'll have to save that for another post...goodnight :-)
On Wednesday of last week, I discovered the true meaning of a "teething baby". Colton has been doing a lot of drooling over the past several weeks and doing the "hands in mouth" thing. I figured he was just obsessed with his hands (like most babies his age) and also thought that we were getting closer to "teething time". I had no idea when it would actually hit. Well, it hit last Wednesday. I discovered two (very faint) white dots on his lower gums and said "awww, buddy you're getting teeth". Yeah, there's no "awww" about it. Poor little guy was miserable. I tried the teething toys, cold cloth, Tylenol and Orajel but he wasn't getting much relief. Out of exhaustion and desperation, I reached out - via Facebook - to my Mom friends for advice. I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with so much helpful information. The one common denominator seemed to be "teething tablets". I had never heard of such a thing but I started my research. Since it was so late on Wednesday night, I had to just do the best we could to get through the night. Needless to say that I headed to Walgreens on Thursday morning and picked up Hyland's Homeopathic - Baby Teething Tablets. I couldn't tell you how they work, but I can tell you they work...and to be honest, (to me) that's all that matters!
Thursday was a busy day. After I purchased the teething tablets, Colton was able to rest better throughout the day and I was able to get a lot of laundry, cleaning and packing done. Yes, packing. We (Matt, Colton and I) were going to be making our first road trip - to Indiana. It was a pretty last minute decision and a total surprise to my sister-in-law. Dani (my sister-in-law) was visiting Indiana (from Texas) for a baby shower with her family. Originally, Matt and I weren't sure we were going to be able to make it, but things worked out. I was so excited to keep it a surprise for Dani because she hasn't been able to meet Colton yet.
Friday, we started our journey. We got up, had the car loaded and were on the road by 8:30am (not too bad for our first try). Colton did much better than expected on the road. I wasn't really sure how things were going to go since he doesn't usually like to be in his car seat AND he is dealing with new teeth coming in. I must say, he was quite the little traveler. We made several stops on the way up to let him out and stretch his legs/eat/change diapers/etc.. and still made it in about 7 and 1/2 hours (normally a 6 to 6 and 1/2 hour trip for just Matt and me). I'm sure others have made better time, so this is nothing to brag about but I'm still going to brag - I was pretty happy.
Once we made it Indiana, we were able to visit with a few people who have not been able to meet Colton and who we haven't seen in several months. Of course we were so bummed that we weren't able to get around to everybody we wanted to see - I guess that's what happens when you try to fit 7 days into 3. Either way, I'm extremely thankful for those friendly faces that we did get to see and I'm sorry to those we didn't.
Saturday was Dani's baby shower. What a great day. So many friends and family were able to come be with her and celebrate the soon-to-be addition to our family. I'm so happy for her and her husband, Phil...I'm just sad that they are in Texas and we are in Tennessee. That's a long way from my new nephew. I am very thankful for the time we were able to be with them.

Of course our trips never seem to allow enough time to do all we want to do, but we did get a lot done in a few short days. Every time Colton fell asleep, he woke up in a new place. He was such a trooper. Matt and I are very used to traveling together so adding a baby really changed things (in a good way). Our trip back to Tennessee went great. Colton (with the help of Benadryl) slept a good chunk of the trip. Our motto was to drive as far as we can, as fast as we can for as long as we can while he sleeps. It worked out pretty well.
So, we are now halfway through another week...and we have lots planned for the next few days! I'll have to save that for another post...goodnight :-)
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