Let's Talk

As I sit here this morning, kind of in a fog, I thought I would ask YOU to share with me today! I realize that I've worn this "lack of sleep thing" in the ground...but when you're the one lacking, it pretty much consumes your life. I realize that Colton is still very young, but getting him to sleep at night is a daily (better yet, nightly) battle which leaves me frustrated, tired (emotionally and physically), confused, impatient and most of all just TIRED!

What was/is your baby's routine? At what age were they sleeping all night? By all night, I mean just 6 or 7 hours! I'm not asking for miracles here, just a solid night's sleep. Even when Colton sleeps 7 hours, I am up 5 or 6 times either A. due to putting the paci back in or B. due to him crying his head off. Have you seen a trend for boys vs girls? Do some babies just not need as much sleep? I have tried everything - literally, everything from rocking him back to sleep and feeding him in the middle of the night to letting him just cry it out. We've tried earlier and later bed times. We have good nights (6 or 7 hours - with me up 5 or 6 times) and bad nights (1 to 2 hours of sleep at a time). I have accepted the fact that lack of sleep is just my life right now and I'm honestly okay with that because I have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby and I still think Colton is the MOST precious thing in the world! I'm just simply curious as to other babies and routines and if/when I can expect a little light at the end of the tunnel.

So - let's talk!


  1. Hey sweetie! Sometime we feel like we got lucky with Kase. He goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:30pm and sleeps until 8am....and sometimes 9am!! We play for a little bit when he gets up. I wait until he acts hungry before I give him his first bottle. When we used to give his bottle right away after waking up, it would end up being a terrible feeding! I usually put him down for nap about 2 hours after waking. A lot of times he acts tired, and I will give him his pacifier and rock him for a bit before putting him in his crib. He will nap for 20 to 30 minutes. When he gets up I try to play with him A LOT to wear him out so that he will nap. We repeat this process all day...up for 2 hours, nap, up for 2 hours, etc. Bedtime bottle-I try not to talk to him a lot because I want him to understand it is bedtime and don't want him to get wound up (although it is hard to not talk to him and smile)! I give him his pacifier, rock him for about 15 minutes, then put him in his crib. We turn on his twilight turtle, which he loves, and he usually goes right to sleep. It took a week or so for him to figure out this 'routine', but it seems to work for him. Also when we try to get him to go to sleep, we stroke his forehead (starting at his hairline and going to the bridge of his nose). It seems to put him in a sleepy trance! Kase also started sleeping on his stomach( he rolls on his own), and he loves it. Hope some of this helps you. Tell Colton to let his momma get some sleep!! Love you...Ang

  2. Thanks Ang :) That is so awesome that Kase is sleeping so well. Do you put him crib for naps or somewhere else?

  3. I usually put him in his crib so he associates it with sleep. If not there, I use the pack and play.


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