Colton turned 4 months old on Friday, May 3. I think this past month went the fastest of any since his birth (I'm sure they'll keep getting faster and faster)! We have experienced so many wonderful things this past month. Colton is eating more at each meal, which means he is eating less often. Although it still feels like he eats all day long, I do at least feel like I can get more done (other than just wash bottles) between each meal now. His little tummy has grown from the size of a marble to (approx) the size of his fist. He is still eating some solid foods along with his bottles and I think the only new "solid" addition to his diet are his carrots - and he loves them.
Along with eating great (as you can tell by his chubbiness), Colton is really great at - assisted - sitting and standing. He absolutely LOVES to be on his feet and if I was a betting woman, I would bet that he will walk before he crawls. We shall see. Speaking of feet, I believe Colton's feet are his new addiction...he is obsessed with them. I must admit that it's a pretty cute addiction. It's fun to watch him try to get them in his mouth.

While we were visiting my cousin Jody and his wife Missi, we had a few 4-month pictures taken. Missi does such a great job with Colton and always captures some wonderful shots of our little guy. You can see her work at
www.memoriesbymissi.com or find "Neal Sneak Peek" at Memories by Missi on Facebook.
Colton has a well visit appointment with Dr. Woods on Tuesday - May 7th. I have another list of questions for Dr. Woods, but mostly I'm looking forward to seeing how much Colton weighs. :-) Our little guy is such a blessing and I'm so thankful for another healthy month!
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