This week kinda seems like a blur. Part of the problem is the fact that although our child is now eating "big boy food", he has now gone back to sleeping "little boy hours" (only about 2 to 4 hour stretches at a time during the night, if that). I was so spoiled by the 6 to 7 hour nights so now I'm, once again, a walking zombie. I'm not sure what has caused this change in his sleep pattern but I'm really hoping it's just a short spell and we go back to (what I thought was) normal.
Mom and I decided to get rid of some "clutter" and have a yard sale. On Thursday and Friday, we set up shop out at my Dad's sawmill from 8:00 in the morning until about 5:00 in the evening. Thursday wasn't too bad since it was a last minute decision, we didn't advertise the sale and we had great weather. I was able to have Colton out with us and he LOVES to be outside. A storm came through on Thursday night and brought a cold front with it so Friday was a little slower. We had a rainy morning and we weren't even able to get all of our "stuff" out until about 11:00am. Since it was windy and colder, I had to keep a hood on Colton (not an easy task) and he had to be inside most of the day - which made for a cranky baby. The slow day helped us make up our minds and move the sale to Mom and Dad's house (a little closer to town) with the hope of a little more traffic/shoppers! :-) Even though we still had Spring wind, we had a gorgeous day on Saturday and had a pretty great turn out. The guys "helped" on Saturday (see picture above) so all in all, we had a fun day! We plan to try again next weekend :-)
I'm failing at my 30 day workout challenge. I won't say that I'm failing miserably, but I am failing. I missed another 3 days in a row this week. I have all sorts of excuses, but none of that matters because the truth is, I'm just not making time for myself to do it! I haven't given up and plan on re-grouping and starting again tomorrow. So, once again, I'll keep you posted...
I can't believe another week is gone and today is already Sunday. Colton turned 14 weeks old this week :-) We got a lot done today - yard mowed, laundry done, house cleaned and even had time to sit and enjoy the nice weather. I love the weekends but dread Sunday evening so bad (Matt heads back to Charlotte). Tomorrow starts another week - time to put my game face on! :-)

I'm failing at my 30 day workout challenge. I won't say that I'm failing miserably, but I am failing. I missed another 3 days in a row this week. I have all sorts of excuses, but none of that matters because the truth is, I'm just not making time for myself to do it! I haven't given up and plan on re-grouping and starting again tomorrow. So, once again, I'll keep you posted...

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