I'm not sure how this didn't get posted on Easter - but it didn't! So, here it is now...
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" - John 3:16
Happy Easter!!!
We had a great weekend. Matt got off work a little early on Friday which means he got to come home earlier! After a nice little dinner and getting Colton fed, bathed and in bed, we got to enjoy a nice night of lounging and watching basketball. I have missed my husband.
My sister had to work today (boo) so on Saturday, we met her, my parents and my Mamaw and Papaw Bishop in Asheville for Easter dinner at O'Charley's. Asheville is pretty close to half way between Charlotte and Greeneville, so it makes it a nice meeting place :-) I hadn't been to O'Charley's in a long time but the food was great - oh yeah, so was the dessert brownie (yum). Auntie Denise brought Colton an adorable sock monkey Easter basket full of goodies and we had a nice visit. Our little man looked adorable in his plaid shirt, dress pants and hat (I know I'm not supposed to brag). He was such a good baby in the restaurant too. We haven't gone out with Colton a lot, mostly because he's so little and we want to avoid germs and sickness as much as possible, but also because he's so young and I don't want to be "those people" with the screaming baby while others are trying to enjoy dinner. Thankfully the times we have been out with him, he has handled it really well!
Today we enjoyed giving Colton his Easter basket! It feels weird being an "Easter bunny" now. He can't enjoy the candy (this year) but I think with all the books, toys and other goodies, he had a good day. One of the books Colton received was the Easter Story. I'm looking forward to sharing the story with him and I'm excited for him to grow and learn the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate. Even though Matt had to head back to Charlotte this afternoon, and I always complain about him leaving and us being apart, today was another reminder of how truly blessed I am and I'm so thankful for those blessings in my life.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" - John 3:16
Happy Easter!!!
We had a great weekend. Matt got off work a little early on Friday which means he got to come home earlier! After a nice little dinner and getting Colton fed, bathed and in bed, we got to enjoy a nice night of lounging and watching basketball. I have missed my husband.

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