Me Time

Ever since I (well, Matt and I together) made the decision to stay at home with Colton, I haven't regretted the decision a single day. Don't get me wrong, there are moments I want to pull my hair out, but still no regrets. I thought I was ready to be a stay at home Mom. I mean, how hard can it be after working a 9 to 5 job? I can sleep in if I want to, I can wear my PJs until noon if I want to, I can stay up late if I want to, I can do whatever I want to on MY schedule. Right? Wrong.

I want to sleep in, but there is no "sleeping in", it's just called "sleeping when I get the chance" and I actually want to get dressed before noon, but that doesn't always happen. I consider it a successful morning if I have a bra on before 9am. Yes, I realize that there are Moms out there working full-time jobs and being a full-time Mommy, so I don't expect any sympathy. But I will say that a stay-at-home Mom gives me no "break" from Colton and sometimes, going back to "work" sounds pretty appealing. The grass is always greener, right? Well, like I said, no matter how tough some days are, I still would rather be at home with my little munchkin than be anywhere else.

Since I am with Colton - pretty much - 24/7, I do sometimes dream of time to myself. Once he is in bed, I don't even want to watch TV, I just want to sit on the couch in complete silence. I realize that this time is going to pass so quickly and I do want to enjoy every moment, but there are just some moments that are not as enjoyable as others. I think it's so important for a Mom to find "me time"! With Matt working out of town, that's been harder and harder for me to do. Granted, I have my parents to help me when I need it, but I still feel guilty leaving him because Colton is my responsibility. I do have days when I need to just leave the house, get away for a an hour or so and re-group. I used to feel bad about needing this time. I felt like I was a "bad Mom" for not wanting to be with my kid all the time. After almost 4 months, I'm finally feeling "okay" with taking time for myself.

I also think it's important for a husband and wife to have "us time" and that's not something Matt and I have had any of since Colton was born. With Matt only having 2 days a week with both Colton and Me, it's hard to take any of that time away for just the two of us to be together. Matt and I finally went on our first, post-Colton "date" on Saturday night. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it, but honestly, it was much-needed and we had a great time. It felt so nice to get dressed, actually be able to wear earrings and a necklace and jut sit and have a nice conversation with my husband. Matt and I talked more than we have in months, we laughed and shared stories we hadn't talked about in years. It felt like we were dating for the first time, it was a lot of fun! I'm thankful that I have awesome parents who I trust enough to watch my kiddo (guilt and worry free) and I'm even more thankful for the time Matt and I got to spend together.

For all the parents out there who work so hard to provide and raise your children, I applaud you! It's a tough job. For all of the soon-to-be parents, if you think you're're not. NOTHING can prepare you for having a baby except actually having a baby. It's such an incredible, life changing, stressful, rewarding journey and I'm so blessed to be able to experience it. Being a stay-at-home Mom is a lot harder than I imagined it would be (a lot more work, with a lot less pay) but I know that raising my child and being able to witness his growth, development and accomplishments is going to be more rewarding than any amount of money!


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