
I took Colton in for his 6 month Vaccines today. I never like having to take him in for this visit, but he is always such a trooper. Since we lost our insurance when I decided to be a stay at home Mommy, Matt and I are not currently covered (sigh) but Colton is covered under TennCare. I'm so thankful for this program and the way it's set up to help people who are in need - it's such a shame that this program (and others) is abused more often than not! ANYWAY, even though Dr. Woods can remain Colton's doctor, there are some regulations - one of those being that she is not allowed to administer his immunization shots.

Under the TennCare program, we go to the Greene County Health Department for Colton's shots. I guess some could complain about how inconvenient it is to go to the H.D. for shots and then schedule a whole separate appointment to see Dr. Woods, but I don't really look at it as an inconvenience (at all), I look at it as a blessing (Colton is getting the care he needs). The staff at our H.D. are all so wonderful and Colton loves it there.

I read and hear so much contradicting information on vaccinations and it can cause an internal debate of whether to get Colton vaccinated or not. You have a handful of people linking vaccinations to Autism (but if you look carefully, you'll find that somebody can link ANYthing to Autism), you have others who swear by the vaccines and say they're 100% safe, and you have others in the middle ground saying that there are risks with vaccines, but there are also risks with many things in life. SO, as a Mom, how do I decide what is best for my kid? Well, my approach is that I listen to and trust my Dr.'s advice, I don't do too much research (it just freaks me out) and I make a conscious decision (not just with vaccinations, but with most everything related to having a kid) to live in faith and not in fear.


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