I'll Take Love, please
This time last year, I was approximately 16 weeks pregnant. When I think back, I remember all the overwhelming feelings of uncertainty, joy, anxiety, fear and worry. I remember how many questions I had and I was so curious about the entire journey. What's it going to be like when I'm 5 months along? What's it going to be like when I'm 8 months along? What's childbirth going to be like? How am I going to know what to do? How is Colton going to interact with family? Now that Colton is 6 months (going on 7 months) old...I still have a lot of questions but I'm actually starting to feel like a real Mom. :-)
Yesterday, we spent the day on Shelton Laurel (where I grew up). Even though he is still too young to really understand where he is, I love taking Colton over there. Just driving up the (what used to be dirt) road to our old house spot brings back so many memories. One of the - many - questions I have is, "I wonder if Colton will get to experience a great childhood like I did?". I truly hope he does!
At just six months old, Colton is surrounded by so much love (on the Shelton side, on the Neal side, on the Bishop side and on the Swim side). I hope that one day he understands how blessed he really is. Yesterday was another big reminder of just how important it is to have family in our lives. I watched Colton giggle as he was passed from Great Uncles to Great Aunts, I watched him study the water as his Auntie let him explore the stream and mud (that she and I used to play in too), I watched him swing on the back porch with his Great Uncle and use a green bean as a teething "toy", I watched him touching/studying his Great Papaw's face, I watched him grin from ear to ear as cousins talked to and interacted with him. I watched his little eyes searching/learning/watching as family members worked, played and laughed. Out of all this "watching", I saw something so much more than just Colton with his family...I saw love!
It's so easy for me to get wrapped up in making sure that Colton stays "on schedule". Oh, it's noon? - time for lunch. Oh, it's 2pm? - time for a snack. Nap time, bath time, bed time, blah, blah, blah. Yesterday, it was Colton's "nap time" and Auntie Denise was holding him in the chair. He was in a trance, but not sleeping when Colton's Great Mamaw Shelton came and sat down in front of him. She started talking to him and he smiled at her through his paci. She started playing with him and his smile turned into a full belly giggle. There was my Mamaw, playing with my son while my sister was holding him. I just stood there and watched the interaction and my heart felt so full. Mamaw suddenly just stopped and looked back at me, realizing that it was "nap time" and said "oh honey, I'm sorry, you were probably trying to get him to go to sleep. I'll leave him alone". My answer was "I don't know how many times you'll get to do that and he can nap any time". That one moment was an instant reminder that people are more important than schedules. :-)

As a new Mom, I realize that having a big family can be overwhelming to some people. Honestly, there are times where I can feel "over stimulated". But I will say that if I have a choice of over stimulated or under stimulated - I will take "over stimulating" love over "under stimulated" lonely any day of the week.
It's so easy for me to get wrapped up in making sure that Colton stays "on schedule". Oh, it's noon? - time for lunch. Oh, it's 2pm? - time for a snack. Nap time, bath time, bed time, blah, blah, blah. Yesterday, it was Colton's "nap time" and Auntie Denise was holding him in the chair. He was in a trance, but not sleeping when Colton's Great Mamaw Shelton came and sat down in front of him. She started talking to him and he smiled at her through his paci. She started playing with him and his smile turned into a full belly giggle. There was my Mamaw, playing with my son while my sister was holding him. I just stood there and watched the interaction and my heart felt so full. Mamaw suddenly just stopped and looked back at me, realizing that it was "nap time" and said "oh honey, I'm sorry, you were probably trying to get him to go to sleep. I'll leave him alone". My answer was "I don't know how many times you'll get to do that and he can nap any time". That one moment was an instant reminder that people are more important than schedules. :-)
As a new Mom, I realize that having a big family can be overwhelming to some people. Honestly, there are times where I can feel "over stimulated". But I will say that if I have a choice of over stimulated or under stimulated - I will take "over stimulating" love over "under stimulated" lonely any day of the week.
Amen! What a wise mom you are :)