Learning Every Day

My crazy, sweet, handsome, expressive, loving, wild child turned 29 weeks old today! I love witnessing the daily growth. He is learning so much every day and I can see the curiosity in his little eyes. It's really so amazing.

We started "potty training" last Monday. I didn't expect him to do as well as he has.I really just wanted to get him used to sitting on the potty so that it doesn't freak him out later. This morning was our 3rd morning in a row of pooping in the potty (again, TMI). Maybe we're finally getting a schedule? Maybe it's just luck? Either way, (even though it's totally disgusting) I'm so proud!

Colton is definitely on the move now. He's not in a full crawl, but it doesn't matter. He rolls, pushes himself backwards, scoots and wiggles himself all around the room. We now have to close doors and keep stuff off the floor. I have a feeling that once he hits full crawl mode, I'm going to be one very busy Mommy because he is already pretty quick at getting away.

I let Colton feed himself for the first time this week. I got him some Gerber GRADUATES® Puffs and he really loves those with his GERBER® Yogurt Blends for an afternoon snack. It's crazy how - just over the course of 4 days - his aim from hand to mouth has improved. * Sigh * he is growing so fast.

Even though being a full-time "stay at home" Mommy is really hard work - I'm so thankful that I get to say it's my job!!!


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