Halfway to One

It's really hard to believe that we have made it to six months with Colton - hooray. Not that I'm rushing him to grow up, but it's a big sigh of relief knowing that we have made it through the "critical stage" of his infancy.

At six months, Colton is rolling from belly to back and back to belly - he even surprised me one day and rolled across the entire living room like a bowling ball. It's no longer a surprise to me when I put him in his crib on his back and find him on his belly in the morning. At times, he can get up on his little knees and try to rock but it usually ends in a plop back down on his belly. While trying to get the motion of crawling, he pushes himself backwards more than forwards, but at least he's getting exercise. Colton now has two bottom teeth completely through (yay) and two top ones on the way in (ugh). Sitting on his own for short periods of time, eating actual "meals" and drinking apple juice/water mix out of a "sippy cup" have also made the list of "things Colton can do at six months"!

I'm pretty certain that Colton is going to keep his red hair - not sure what shade of red (it gets darker each day). I guess it could still change to another color, but it's definitely red right now. Not only does Colton have red hair, he has crazy hair. My Papaw Bishop has been a barber for well over 30 years (and of course he has already inspected Colton's head). I was informed by my Papaw that Colton has a double crown. Now that his hair is getting longer, I can totally tell that something crazy is going on. I read that "double crown hair" can be managed with the right cutting techniques and hair products (I'm sure that Matt Neal's son is going to be big on hair products)! :-) So far, I just let his little, crazy, red hair do whatever it wants - and I think he's cute as a button (biased Momma alert)! At six months, a baby's eye color is most likely the color it's going to be. Colton has some of the most beautiful hazel eyes. :-)

Of course I could talk about all the cute things Colton does now - but it would probably be a snooze fest for anybody except Mommy (and maybe grandparents)! I will say that this little guy has brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible. I'm simply amazed at how he makes each day a little bit better. I'm once again thankful for the healthy, happy, exciting, emotional, roller coaster ride that we have been on the past six months and I'm looking forward to watching him grow even more.

"A baby fills a hole in your heart that you didn't even know was there" - unknown


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