Week 7 Changes
Colton turned 7 weeks old yesterday - and boy was week 7 a doozie. Poor little guy's colic hit full force this week and I'm praying that it's hit the peak and headed on the downhill side now. It's already a stressful time, getting adjusted to life with a newborn and learning to be a "Mom" and adjusting to life with Matt working out of town during the week, but it's such a completely helpless feeling, as a mommy, not being able to comfort my baby.
I had begun to notice that the mylicon drops and gripe water were not having as much an effect on Colton as they had in previous days/weeks and his face was breaking out in "infant acne", which he never had before. On Monday, he was way more fussy than normal and cried off and on a majority of the day. I spent my entire day rocking him, massaging his belly, moving his legs, applying warm towels to his belly...the works. Nothing seemed to help ease his discomfort. Monday night, he slept a couple of hours at a time but was never (from what I can witness without him talking to me) comfortable enough to rest. On Tuesday, the poor little guy just broke down - crying ALL DAY. When I say crying all day, I mean literally all day. I never knew a baby could cry so much. He cried for a few hours at a time with only 10 to 15 minute breaks in between (and Mommy cried too). It was Tuesday that I had finally made the decision to switch his regular Enfamil PREMIUM® Newborn formula to the Enfamil® Gentlease® , so his bottles were a half and half mixture of each. I don't know if it was the new formula or the crying "workout" he got on Tuesday, but he finally rested on Tuesday night - sleeping a 4 hour stretch. On Wednesday, I completely switched the bottles to the Gentle Ease formula, and by Wednesday afternoon, he was a much more content, pleasant baby. By Thursday, our Colton was happy, smiling (even laughing) and comfortable and Mommy was so relieved. I didn't even notice that his little fists were balled up so tight for weeks, until I see how relaxed his little hands are now. I guess he was in more discomfort than I even knew. Today, he is a rested baby. He slept a - record setting - 5 hour stretch and woke up smiling this morning! Colton's color and complexion seem to be back to normal and I am one thankful Mommy.
Colton also master the art of "thumb sucking" on Thursday. He has been working and working at it and finally got it! I'm sure that his little hands being more relaxed have helped in that area too...
I know we haven't totally fixed the colic problem, but it's such an improvement just over the course of a week that I have hope that we're gonna get it whipped before long. Little Colton is such a trooper and I know he is as ready to get over this mess as much as I am (or more).

Colton also master the art of "thumb sucking" on Thursday. He has been working and working at it and finally got it! I'm sure that his little hands being more relaxed have helped in that area too...
I know we haven't totally fixed the colic problem, but it's such an improvement just over the course of a week that I have hope that we're gonna get it whipped before long. Little Colton is such a trooper and I know he is as ready to get over this mess as much as I am (or more).
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