Mommy Truths
I had all sorts of ideas of what being a full-time mommy was going to be like. Out of all of those ideas, only a few of them are turning out to be reality. Since being a Mom is somewhat different than I imagined, I thought I would share 20 of my new-Mommy "Truths" (the list could go on forever...)
1. I have already lost 1 sock and 1 mitten in the washer (or dryer)
2. I want to apologize to friends and family members who had kids before me for not fully understanding why it was so difficult to visit and spend time together
3. I fantasize about what I would trade for 8 (even 7) hours of sleep
4. I laughed at Dr. Woods when she asked me what I planned on using for birth control
5. I am finally able to clip Colton's fingernails without freaking out
6. I want to throw the baby monitor out the window (or flush it down the toilet)
7. I wonder how other new moms manage to be so skinny, put-together and energetic

8. As much as I dread facing a crying baby for 2AM and 5AM feedings, I secretly look forward to the adorable faces I know Colton's going to surprise me with once his belly is fully
9. I forget all about the difficulties and struggles with Colton when I FINALLY see him sleeping peacefully
10. I have some mornings where I can jump out of bed and get Colton when he's crying and other mornings when I need a truck to pull me out from under the covers
11. I get sick of telling myself "I haven't done that yet"
12. I feel like I'm forgetting something when I walk outside by myself now
13. I wonder if I can possibly love another child as much as I love Colton
14. I have been peed, puked and pooped on at all hours of the /night (especially when I have nothing handy to change into)
15. I post way more pictures of my baby to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Email than I ever thought I would (and I'm not sorry)
16. I am equally excited and sad to see Colton outgrowing clothes already
17. I have accepted the fact that Matt will never be as paranoid about Colton as I am (and it's probably a good thing since one of us needs to be sane)
18. I find myself telling brand-new moms (newer than me) that the time really does fly (even though it really ticked me off when people told me that)
19. I'm more thankful (and appreciative) of my Mom and the sacrifices she made for me
20. I'm simply amazed at the amount of unconditional love I have for my most wonderful achievement - Colton Matthew Neal
1. I have already lost 1 sock and 1 mitten in the washer (or dryer)
2. I want to apologize to friends and family members who had kids before me for not fully understanding why it was so difficult to visit and spend time together
3. I fantasize about what I would trade for 8 (even 7) hours of sleep
4. I laughed at Dr. Woods when she asked me what I planned on using for birth control
5. I am finally able to clip Colton's fingernails without freaking out
6. I want to throw the baby monitor out the window (or flush it down the toilet)
7. I wonder how other new moms manage to be so skinny, put-together and energetic

8. As much as I dread facing a crying baby for 2AM and 5AM feedings, I secretly look forward to the adorable faces I know Colton's going to surprise me with once his belly is fully
9. I forget all about the difficulties and struggles with Colton when I FINALLY see him sleeping peacefully
10. I have some mornings where I can jump out of bed and get Colton when he's crying and other mornings when I need a truck to pull me out from under the covers
11. I get sick of telling myself "I haven't done that yet"
12. I feel like I'm forgetting something when I walk outside by myself now
13. I wonder if I can possibly love another child as much as I love Colton
14. I have been peed, puked and pooped on at all hours of the /night (especially when I have nothing handy to change into)

16. I am equally excited and sad to see Colton outgrowing clothes already
17. I have accepted the fact that Matt will never be as paranoid about Colton as I am (and it's probably a good thing since one of us needs to be sane)
18. I find myself telling brand-new moms (newer than me) that the time really does fly (even though it really ticked me off when people told me that)
19. I'm more thankful (and appreciative) of my Mom and the sacrifices she made for me
20. I'm simply amazed at the amount of unconditional love I have for my most wonderful achievement - Colton Matthew Neal
Yep, sounds like the normal motherhood experiences. He is so sweet that I want to take him home with me.