
This is Matt's third week of working in Charlotte (only coming home on weekends) while I'm here in Tennessee with Colton, which means that life has been very different for all of us. I know that every baby is different - and since Colton is colicky, he is considered a "high-need" baby - but, it's not easy taking care of a baby 24/7 by yourself. For all you single Moms out there - I applaud you! I'm so thankful that I have the help of my parents when I need it, but Colton and I still miss Daddy's help a lot during the week.

Matt has been looking at housing options for us in Charlotte and we're open to renting or buying as long as it's a good purchase and something that's going to benefit us in the long run. We found a cute little 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with a good size lot located in Iron Station, NC and made an offer on it last week. As we prayed about it, talked about it and thought about it, it just started feeling like the wrong move for us. Based on our "gut" feelings, Matt decided to take a drive back over to the house yesterday to look around - and I'm so glad he did. The front yard was completely flooded and the neighbors to the Right of the house had trash piled all over their shed and across their yard. After talking with another neighbor, Matt learned that the trash was a common occurrence. So the trash combined with the flooding, combined with our gut feeling, Matt and I made the decision to withdraw our offer and continue looking for a house that is right for us!

We are back to square one - looking for the best options for our little family. It's so easy to feel impatient these days, especially with Matt and I being apart and wanting to get moved into a home together. But, it's at times like these that it's most important for us to remain patient and steady and know that "everything happens for a reason". Please keep us in your prayers. It's tough living apart and looking for housing that fits our needs with a new baby (and a dog) but I have complete faith that God will present the right housing for us at the right time.


  1. typically your gut feeling is a good sign to rethink

  2. Praying for you guys. I know of several people who live in our county and commute to Charlotte. It is about 45 minutes to an hour drive. Our county is very rural and friendly :) Or you might think of gastonia which is about 30 minutes from Charlotte. It is more "city" yet not as large as Charlotte. Just trying to help with options. :)


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