It's been almost a week since my last post and I swear I have no idea where the time went. I've gone from working a full time job to being a (for now) stay at home mommy and I feel like I don't even know what day it is anymore. Sometimes it's really nice not knowing what day of the week it is because I can just pretend like every day is Saturday, but sometimes it stinks because a week can fly by without me even realizing it.
This week has had some ups and downs. Matt has accepted a job in Charlotte and will be starting on Monday so he spent a couple of days (and nights) in North Carolina this week looking for houses which means that Colton and I were on our own for the first time (for 2 days/nights in a row)! Colton is getting more used to being (more) awake during the day and is sleeping longer (his 3 hour stretches) at night. There were a couple of rough nights where we only got about an hour of sleep at a time but I feel like maybe he's figuring out that we want to run on day shift and we've had 2 great nights in a row- thank goodness. We had a visit from Aunt Paula and Parker on Tuesday and Colton had his first "lunch date" in a restaurant.

This week Colton turned 5 weeks old and has made the transition to a strictly formula diet. I think we have made the transition pretty successfully and he seems to be doing great. Another transition this week was the move from newborn diapers to size 1. It's crazy how fast my little stinker is growing.
I had my 6 week checkup (a week early) with Dr. Woods on Thursday. It feels good to be given a "clean bill of health" and the okay to start working out on a regular basis again (it doesn't mean I'm going to). I guess I better get more serious about it if I'm going to hold up my promise of doing the "warrior dash" in Charlotte with my sister in June. Either way, it feels good to be un-pregnant and have the option to run whether or not I decide to take advantage of it.
Today we had several visitors. Brenda, Donna, RC, Linda and Rachel all came to see Mr. Colton. We are so blessed with loving friends who play such a special role in our lives. The love of friends and family help fill our lives with so much joy and we are so thankful for all the support we have around us.
Without having to work my full time job, I feel like I should have so much time to do so many things - but I don't. Of course when I think about it, Colton eats for about an hour at a time and he eats every 3 hours, so technically I spend a full 8 hour day just feeding the little piglet. Of course outside the 8 hour feedings, there's bottle washing, laundry, cleaning and cuddle time and I can't think of a better way to spend my time!
This week has had some ups and downs. Matt has accepted a job in Charlotte and will be starting on Monday so he spent a couple of days (and nights) in North Carolina this week looking for houses which means that Colton and I were on our own for the first time (for 2 days/nights in a row)! Colton is getting more used to being (more) awake during the day and is sleeping longer (his 3 hour stretches) at night. There were a couple of rough nights where we only got about an hour of sleep at a time but I feel like maybe he's figuring out that we want to run on day shift and we've had 2 great nights in a row- thank goodness. We had a visit from Aunt Paula and Parker on Tuesday and Colton had his first "lunch date" in a restaurant.

This week Colton turned 5 weeks old and has made the transition to a strictly formula diet. I think we have made the transition pretty successfully and he seems to be doing great. Another transition this week was the move from newborn diapers to size 1. It's crazy how fast my little stinker is growing.

Without having to work my full time job, I feel like I should have so much time to do so many things - but I don't. Of course when I think about it, Colton eats for about an hour at a time and he eats every 3 hours, so technically I spend a full 8 hour day just feeding the little piglet. Of course outside the 8 hour feedings, there's bottle washing, laundry, cleaning and cuddle time and I can't think of a better way to spend my time!
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