Colton turned 3 weeks old yesterday. People weren't kidding when they told me "time flies once your baby is born". It's easy to feel like a baby is so small that they won't understand being on a schedule, but I am (now) a firm believer that it is never to early to start a baby with a routine.
Colton was used to sleeping the amount of time he wanted (it didn't matter if he slept for an hour or 4 hours), and expected to eat on demand. On Sunday of last week, we started Colton's "schedule" of sleeping 3 hours and waking him to eat a full meal (4 to 6 oz) throughout the day in hopes that the pattern would catch on for night time sleeping. It took a few days, but finally on Wednesday night, Colton slept a 3 and 1/2 hour stretch for the first time since we brought him home from the hospital. At first, he was fussy when we woke him during the day and wasn't ready to wake up (much less eat) but now he is getting used to the pattern and does really well with it.
Breastfed babies tend to sleep less amount of time between feedings than formula fed babies. Colton is a breastfed baby but we supplement with formula on occasion, so sleep times for him are ranging between 2 and 1/2 to 3 and 1/2 hours. We are staying consistent in waking him every 3 hours during the day but if he sleeps longer stretches at night, we're happy with that! Of course there are times when he wakes up earlier than the "scheduled" 3 hours and keeping him busy until it's time to eat is sometimes a challenge. We have found that it's okay to let him cry sometimes and usually once he has a good cry, he's ready to eat and sleeps really well (crying is great exercise).
There are many different opinions on what's best for getting a baby on a schedule. Every baby is different, so an option that works for us with Colton might not work with our next baby. I found it helpful to pick the brains of the many new Moms I know. Talking with friends about their baby routines is helpful and it's comforting to just share thoughts, feelings and frustrations and know that what I'm experiencing with Colton is "normal". A book we were given before Colton was born, "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, M.D., has been good reference material for me. The book covers so many topics from "the benefits of order" to "hunger and sleep cycles". It's encouraging to know that we are not alone on this journey and that others before us and many after us will face these same challenges of adjusting to life with a newborn.
Colton had a checkup with Dr. Woods yesterday. Our little chunky monkey has gained 2 pounds since his last visit (which puts him right under 9lbs) and he has grown and inch and a half in length. Dr. Woods says he looks great and is right on track. He's in the 80th percentile in all aspects. We are so blessed to have a healthy, happy baby! Our next visit will be his 2 month well visit. I'm excited to see how much progress he makes between now and then.
Colton was used to sleeping the amount of time he wanted (it didn't matter if he slept for an hour or 4 hours), and expected to eat on demand. On Sunday of last week, we started Colton's "schedule" of sleeping 3 hours and waking him to eat a full meal (4 to 6 oz) throughout the day in hopes that the pattern would catch on for night time sleeping. It took a few days, but finally on Wednesday night, Colton slept a 3 and 1/2 hour stretch for the first time since we brought him home from the hospital. At first, he was fussy when we woke him during the day and wasn't ready to wake up (much less eat) but now he is getting used to the pattern and does really well with it.
Breastfed babies tend to sleep less amount of time between feedings than formula fed babies. Colton is a breastfed baby but we supplement with formula on occasion, so sleep times for him are ranging between 2 and 1/2 to 3 and 1/2 hours. We are staying consistent in waking him every 3 hours during the day but if he sleeps longer stretches at night, we're happy with that! Of course there are times when he wakes up earlier than the "scheduled" 3 hours and keeping him busy until it's time to eat is sometimes a challenge. We have found that it's okay to let him cry sometimes and usually once he has a good cry, he's ready to eat and sleeps really well (crying is great exercise).

Colton had a checkup with Dr. Woods yesterday. Our little chunky monkey has gained 2 pounds since his last visit (which puts him right under 9lbs) and he has grown and inch and a half in length. Dr. Woods says he looks great and is right on track. He's in the 80th percentile in all aspects. We are so blessed to have a healthy, happy baby! Our next visit will be his 2 month well visit. I'm excited to see how much progress he makes between now and then.
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