On Saturday, we took Colton on his first trip. Clogging Champions of America (
www.ccaclog.com) was hosting the annual Showdown of Champions in Knoxville and since it's only about an hour drive to Knoxville from the house, we decided it would be a good adventure for us. Not only was I ready to get out of the house and go somewhere besides the grocery store or doctor's office but I really wanted to see my "clogging family".

Of course getting myself ready is a lot harder than it used to be, so I started about an hour earlier than normal (and we still left later than planned). On top of getting myself ready, I had to make sure that we had everything we needed for Colton. Even though we were only going to be there for a few hours, I wanted to be prepared. So, we double checked to make sure we had enough everything for the little guy from bottles and diapers to a change of clothes. Once we had everything packed up - including Colton - we started our journey to Knoxville.
The trip to K-town was good, Colton did great (and I must admit that I'm getting better at having him in the car with us too). He didn't make a sound until we pulled up the the Civic Auditorium (
http://www.knoxvillecoliseum.com/) and that's when he let us know that it was lunch time. Colton has gotten pretty consistent about eating every 3 hours so as soon as we pulled into the parking garage, I made sure he got his belly full.
We were able to spend a good part of the afternoon, visiting with old friends and watching some incredibly talented dancers. Colton handled all the loud music and new faces like a champ and only had one "accident". Since we were prepared with another outfit, it was all good.

I worry when we take Colton out in public. I want to protect him from sickness, but I want him to get used to being out and about too. It's really a fine line (especially since he's a winter baby) and I know that as a Mom, I'm always going to worry about something. We will not be able to avoid sickness forever and as hard as I try, I can't protect him from every germ. We sure can't stay cooped up in the house all day/every day, so I will just stock up on hand sanitizer and pray that God will keep our little man healthy and happy as he ventures out into this big, crazy world.
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