Itsy Bitsy Spider

It's ironic to me that one of Colton's favorite songs is "Itsy Bitsy Spider" because I have a horrible fear of spiders. It's not one of those fake fears that I just kid around about for attention - it's a real, honest, true fear. I literally freeze when I see them. I have tried so hard to overcome it, but it's horrible. I don't really even know where the fear stems from, but it's there. If any of you have a genuine fear to something like this, then you know what I'm talking about. If you don't have a fear like this...I'm jealous!

So today, I was standing in the kitchen fixing supper and Colton had just finished eating. I always get C out of his high chair and he hangs out in the kitchen with me for a while. He sat down on the rug in front of the sink as I was moving his high chair. When I turn back around, I see it. A big, black, yucky spider and it's crawling toward my son. I froze. What am I going to do? The fear is kicking in when Colton points his little finger and reaches towards it! He's going to touch this thing! Ahhhh. Motherly instinct kicks in and I flicked the spider - with my BARE HANDS!!!! I picked C up and moved him and then got a paper towel, smashed the living daylights out of the little black beast and threw it away.

My Mom told me this day would come - and she was right. I remember telling her that I was so afraid that the moment would come and I wouldn't be able to do it and she said "when it's your kid on the line, you'll do anything"! It's amazing - the fear of the spider was nothing compared to the fear of my son getting bit! Yes, it's silly and maybe even dumb to some people. How can she be so afraid of a spider? Are you seriously celebrating the fact that you killed a spider? Well - yes, actually I am celebrating. Today, I feel like I'm one step closer to conquering my fear!


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