Mondays - gotta love 'em

I know we have all woken up on a Monday morning and just knew, from the minute our feet hit the floor, it's going to just be "one of those days"! I, personally, have had many of those days (not just Monday). Today, I am experiencing it as a Mommy.

Our poor little teether had one of his roughest nights to date. I'm not sure why some babies can get teeth through and not even react at all and others are, Colton. I feel bad for him but at the same time (after doing everything I can think of) I'm thinking "dude, how bad can it be - come on, toughen up a little bit". I mostly think that at 3AM, so maybe I'm the one that needs to toughen up. :-) As I was laying in bed last night and Colton started to cry (for the hundredth time), I said to Matt "if this happens with every tooth, we're never going to sleep again". I swear he is like Dr. Jekyell and Mr. Hyde.

So after another sleepless night, I got up with a semi-rested baby this morning. While I tried to eat breakfast, he was in to everything. I looked down at one point and he had the strap of my purse wrapped around his head - I took a picture before I got him loose because I thought it was hilarious. Of course he didn't think it was very funny...enter CRANKY BABY! I finally got him to take a nap after his breakfast and he woke up in an okay mood. I thought "Colton loves to be outside, so I'll just set up 'camp' outside". I took his play-pen out, carried a bunch of toys, took a chair for myself and had all the makings for a happy baby. I take him outside, set him down and he just starts screaming. That's only took me like a half an hour to get everything out there, no big deal. I pick him up and we come back inside.

I finally got "Mr. Hyde" to eat lunch. I was trying to keep him occupied and warmed his veggies up in a different bowl than I normally use. I stir the veggies, check the temp and start to feed him. On about the 5th bite, he grabs his mouth and starts screaming. I'm thinking "ugh, these teeth" and then it dawned on me "what if it's too hot". I checked them (I always do) but I didn't stir them all the way and one side of the bowl was hotter than the other. I put it in my mouth to see how hot and it was. It was pretty hot (not enough to really burn him, but enough to really get your attention)! I felt HORRIBLE. Here I have an already grouchy baby, so why not just burn his little mouth while I'm at it. In the middle of trying to calm him down, he finds his peaches and dumps them all over the high chair - which actually made him laugh, so I jut laughed too. Hello Monday.

We made it through lunch and actually ended the meal with some giggles. I think he forgave my temperature error (thank goodness) and we got the peaches cleaned up (could he have picked anything more sticky?). After all the excitement, he went right to sleep (hence the reason I have time to type this)! Oops, spoke to's awake (to be continued...)


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