Nephew On The Way

Well, it's day 11 and Colton is finally feeling better! :-) HOORAY. Little guy had a good (for him) night's sleep and his little nose isn't running like a faucet. He is still battling a little bit of a cough...but I'll take it. Shew, I sure hate going through that. I'm once again reminded of how blessed we have been to just now be experiencing his first sickness!!!


Today is a big day for our family. My sister-in-law, Danielle, checked in to St. David's Georgetown Hospital  to deliver our newest nephew, Hunter. At 9:30 this morning (TN time), they broke her water and she was beginning to have stronger contractions. As of 12:45pm (TN time) she had elected for an epidural and was waiting for her Doctor to check in. :-) Shouldn't be too much longer now...we hope!

I can't help but think back to January when I get her updates. It brings all those emotions flooding back. It's such a stressful, exciting, nervous, painful, joyful, amazing time! It's extremely hard being so many miles apart, especially at times like this. I know that Dani has a wonderful support system in Texas, I just wish I could be there to welcome little Hunter to this big, crazy world.

So, now we're just (im)patiently waiting for news and praying for a safe/healthy/quick delivery of our new nephew. Come on Hunter...Aunt NayNay wants to see your sweet face!!! :-)


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