Just Be Patient...

Matt and I have been on the hunt for a truck for over a year. If you know my husband, you know that he is kind of a "see it, do it, now" kinda guy (I feel like having Colton has helped slow him down, somewhat)! We have looked at so many different trucks. New to old, Ford to Chevy, 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton, diesel, gas, black, red, long bed, short bed...and the list goes on. If you've been "used" truck shopping lately, you know that it's very difficult to find a good one. Most people who have a truck that's worth keeping do just that, keep it. The other trucks are used up and over-priced. I can't tell you how many times I've said to Matt "don't settle for that one, the right one will come along...just be patient". A couple of Sunday's ago, we were out driving around "house hunting" and we drove down the wrong road. While looking for a place to turn around, we passed a house that had a GMC truck for sale in the front yard. So,...