Trip to Columbia

My sister just recently accepted a position with a power plant in Columbia, South Carolina. For the past several years she has been working at Duke Energy and living in Charlotte, North Carolina. It wasn't a huge (distance) move for her and she has only been in her new apartment for a little over a week. A week was long enough for Mom and I (and Colton too) to invade and check out the new place. We left Greeneville around 6:45 yesterday morning and headed for Columbia. This was my first road trip with Colton without Daddy but we made out pretty good (we had Mimi). Minus the fact that we got into Asheville at morning rush hour, got stopped in a traffic jam for an MVA and had to pit stop for breakfast/diaper change...we made the trip in about 3 and 1/2 hours. If you've never been to South Carolina in the summer, I'll just fill you in on's HOT (and it's only the end of May)! Lucky for us, Denise lives in an apartment complex that is more like a resor...