Days like today...
Today was a big day for Colton. Starting things off right, he slept for 7 and 1/2 hours straight last night!!! Yes, I said 7 and 1/2 (that half is a huge deal). Because my internal clock is set for 3 hour increments, and it seemed extremely weird that he was sleeping so long, I did not sleep as long as Colton BUT I am still much more rested than normal and encouraged that we are (fingers crossed) headed in the right direction.
Colton turned 9 weeks old today and had a well-visit appointment. I was equally excited and dreading the appointment today. I was ready to talk to Dr. Woods about my list (and yes, I actually took a written list) of questions, concerns, observations and other odds and ends. I was so anxious to see Colton's progress but I was not very excited about my sweet baby having to get his vaccination shots. I was happy to hear that Colton weighs 13.5 pounds (75th percentile), he is 24.5 inches long (91st percentile) and his head is...well, I forgot to remember the size of his noggin, but I do remember that it was in the 75th percentile too :-) So overall, Colton checked out very well today - a healthy little boy (I am so thankful). Once Dr. Woods and I went over all my concerns regarding the vaccinations, Colton's colic situation and everything else on the "list" - it was time for the shots (dun, dun, dun). Colton got an oral vaccination, two shots in his left leg and one in his right. He was such a trooper, he only cried for a second and then nothing but big tears - which made my heart hurt. I have to say that it's hard sitting there watching somebody inflict pain on my child even though I know they mean no harm and it's for a good purpose. I pity the person who tries to inflict pain on my child without good intent. I was so proud of my sweet boy for being so tough today!
Dr. Woods warned me ahead of time that Colton could run a low-grade fever after his vaccinations, so I was came prepared with Tylenol. After a dose of the Tylenol, the little guy slept all the way home and a good 3 hours once we got home. I didn't wake him for his "scheduled feedings" so he could rest after his big day out and about. Once he did wake up, he was kinda fussy (the kinda fussy that makes me feel so sorry for him because I can tell he just doesn't feel good) but all in all, he handled everything pretty well. He had a bottle before bath time tonight and since Colton's Great Aunt Phyllis and Great Uncle Geoff are in town from Michigan, I let Colton have some snuggle time with his Aunt Phyllis until bedtime. Even though his routine was off a little bit today, Colton is currently sound asleep in his cradle.
It's so easy to feel overwhelmed some days. When I spend day after day comforting a crying baby, not leaving the house, feeling tired of the cold weather, struggling from lack of sleep, not knowing what day it is, etc..., that overwhelming feeling can creep up on me. But days like today make me so thankful that I am a Mommy to such a healthy, sweet baby boy. I am thankful for that precious smile that greets me in the mornings and I'm thankful for the "talks" we have when I'm changing his diaper. I'm thankful that Colton has a hearty appetite and continues to grow. I'm thankful that he cries because it means his lungs are strong and healthy. I'm thankful for dirty diapers because it means that his system is working like it should. I'm thankful for so many things, but mostly, I'm thankful that God blessed me with this precious gift and I haven't got one single day without telling Him just how thankful I truly am.
Colton turned 9 weeks old today and had a well-visit appointment. I was equally excited and dreading the appointment today. I was ready to talk to Dr. Woods about my list (and yes, I actually took a written list) of questions, concerns, observations and other odds and ends. I was so anxious to see Colton's progress but I was not very excited about my sweet baby having to get his vaccination shots. I was happy to hear that Colton weighs 13.5 pounds (75th percentile), he is 24.5 inches long (91st percentile) and his head is...well, I forgot to remember the size of his noggin, but I do remember that it was in the 75th percentile too :-) So overall, Colton checked out very well today - a healthy little boy (I am so thankful). Once Dr. Woods and I went over all my concerns regarding the vaccinations, Colton's colic situation and everything else on the "list" - it was time for the shots (dun, dun, dun). Colton got an oral vaccination, two shots in his left leg and one in his right. He was such a trooper, he only cried for a second and then nothing but big tears - which made my heart hurt. I have to say that it's hard sitting there watching somebody inflict pain on my child even though I know they mean no harm and it's for a good purpose. I pity the person who tries to inflict pain on my child without good intent. I was so proud of my sweet boy for being so tough today!

It's so easy to feel overwhelmed some days. When I spend day after day comforting a crying baby, not leaving the house, feeling tired of the cold weather, struggling from lack of sleep, not knowing what day it is, etc..., that overwhelming feeling can creep up on me. But days like today make me so thankful that I am a Mommy to such a healthy, sweet baby boy. I am thankful for that precious smile that greets me in the mornings and I'm thankful for the "talks" we have when I'm changing his diaper. I'm thankful that Colton has a hearty appetite and continues to grow. I'm thankful that he cries because it means his lungs are strong and healthy. I'm thankful for dirty diapers because it means that his system is working like it should. I'm thankful for so many things, but mostly, I'm thankful that God blessed me with this precious gift and I haven't got one single day without telling Him just how thankful I truly am.
Amen!! Those first few months are the hardest...but you will make it through. The feeling about protecting your children and not wanting anyone to hurt them...that never goes away :) Keep thanking the Lord, and praying for that sweet little boy every day!! It always seemed easier to me once my children got to the age that they could talk and tell me what was bothering them. Up till then, I had to just do everything I knew to do until something worked...and if they just didn't feel good, you just cuddle, pray and love :)