Weigh In

It’s so funny that I find myself eating healthier on the
days I visit the Doctor. One day of eating yogurt instead of a chocolate
pop-tart is NOT going to make the scale read any less, but it does make me feel
better. I won’t mention that I have a white chocolate Reese’s locked and loaded
for after my appointment.
8 pounds – baby
2-3 pounds – placenta
2-3 pounds – amniotic fluid
2-3 pounds – breast tissue (I wouldn’t mind for this part
to stay after baby J)
4 pounds – blood supply
5-9 pounds – stored fat for delivery/breastfeeding
2-5 pounds – larger uterus
Weight is a key factor in measuring the health of mom and
baby, so it is important to be aware but not to stress over it. A pregnant
woman has enough to worry about during pregnancy, so weight gain shouldn’t be
one of them. Of course it’s very important to stay as healthy and fit as
possible, but stressing out about it won’t help. I found the easiest way to
gain the “right” amount during pregnancy is to eat smaller meals throughout the
day instead of large meals at once and if you’re craving something, just eat
Even if I am a little tired of looking at my weight, I
look forward to my weigh in today because it means I get to hear our little guy’s
heartbeat again and that’s something I will never, ever get tired of.
So glad you share these with us all...hugs and love to you!