January Craziness
This has been an interesting month for the Neal family. Ryleigh got her first "cough/cold/congestion" on top of teething and that was NOT FUN. Colton was sick more than not. The sickness tried to get Matt but somehow he did escape it. I've been working on a healthier lifestyle so (if you saw my Instagram post the other day you know...) I've been wine-free, sore and HANGRY!!
In the midst of all the craziness, somehow Colton decided he wanted to stop pooping in his pants, so praise the Lord for answered prayers. I know that as soon as I say it publicly, there's a great chance that I will jinx us but I don't care. We're going on 2 full weeks of zero pull ups and no accidents so I'm pretty confident we've made it over the biggest hurdle and fully expect us to have some set backs so I'm ready (and happy)!
Ryleigh decided to roll over on Sunday. She rolled from back to front and hated it. As soon as she realized what she did, she was mad about it. The rest of this week, she's been grabbing at her toes and rolling side to side...but that's as far as she cares to go. On top of rolling, she's also discovered an adorable laugh and (not so adorable) squeal that she likes to use. Oh, have you seen her smile? Melt my heart. She is really starting to interact and it's SO MUCH FUN!
I've been sticking with my New Year goals and I have been working on that healthier me (I hated my life and everybody else too for the first couple of weeks but that's getting better...slowly), I've been growing my Rodan+Fields business (super excited about some stuff coming up) and I have actually read one entire (grown-up) book and have started on my second. As for the blogging, I'm still hit or miss, but here I am today, so I'll go ahead and pat myself on the back for that.
What else? Oh, we got lots of snow last week. It was kind of fun and kind of annoying at the same time, but either way, it was back up in the 40s this week and most of it is already gone. I'm looking forward to the warmer temps coming our way next week too (gotta love winter in Tennessee)!!
Okay, well it's almost "un-happy hour" at our house, so I'm off to prepare food for the crazies!
In the midst of all the craziness, somehow Colton decided he wanted to stop pooping in his pants, so praise the Lord for answered prayers. I know that as soon as I say it publicly, there's a great chance that I will jinx us but I don't care. We're going on 2 full weeks of zero pull ups and no accidents so I'm pretty confident we've made it over the biggest hurdle and fully expect us to have some set backs so I'm ready (and happy)!
Ryleigh decided to roll over on Sunday. She rolled from back to front and hated it. As soon as she realized what she did, she was mad about it. The rest of this week, she's been grabbing at her toes and rolling side to side...but that's as far as she cares to go. On top of rolling, she's also discovered an adorable laugh and (not so adorable) squeal that she likes to use. Oh, have you seen her smile? Melt my heart. She is really starting to interact and it's SO MUCH FUN!
I've been sticking with my New Year goals and I have been working on that healthier me (I hated my life and everybody else too for the first couple of weeks but that's getting better...slowly), I've been growing my Rodan+Fields business (super excited about some stuff coming up) and I have actually read one entire (grown-up) book and have started on my second. As for the blogging, I'm still hit or miss, but here I am today, so I'll go ahead and pat myself on the back for that.
What else? Oh, we got lots of snow last week. It was kind of fun and kind of annoying at the same time, but either way, it was back up in the 40s this week and most of it is already gone. I'm looking forward to the warmer temps coming our way next week too (gotta love winter in Tennessee)!!
Okay, well it's almost "un-happy hour" at our house, so I'm off to prepare food for the crazies!
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