Mommy's Time Out

I was invited to attend “Mommies Time Out” on Friday, November 1. It’s a group of Moms, who meet once a month to talk about “Mom stuff” and get away from the normal routine for a couple of hours. The meetings are at Towering Oaks Baptist Church , the church where Matt and I have been attending for the past few weeks. The church donates staff/time so that childcare is provided and I was glad that Colton was going to be in the same room that he plays in during church!

I have been slow to join groups or try “new things” since Colton has been born. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to go, I’ve just let myself make excuses as to why I “can’t”. I decided that I am done making excuses, and I am going to make the effort to try some new things.
I am so happy that I attended this meeting. I got to meet several new people, and not just “people” but Moms who are going through the same struggles/stress/challenges/joy that I’m going through. The meeting was from 9:30 to 11:30am. We started with some food (everybody is encouraged to bring some goodies to share) and chit chat. After everybody introduced themselves, we learned how to make a – very cute – burlap wreath (I plan on trying to attempt this sometime this week)! In the last part of our meeting, we watched a video featuring Chip Ingram  . The video was about teaching children obedience – Effective Parenting in a Defective World (how to raise kids who stand out from the crowd)!

Since Colton is getting to the age of learning “no”, I struggle with knowing how well he should obey at his age! Of course, I feel like he should listen and mind me as soon as I say “no no” (insert laugh here). Since the video broke down what to expect, at each age, it helps me to have a little more patience!
I think it’s crazy (and awesome) how God knows exactly what I need in my life at just the right time. I’ve been in need of a place and time to visit with some other Moms! I’m so thankful that I have met these sweet ladies and I look forward to getting to know them a little better!


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