Laundry Room Makeover

So, when we bought our home, we knew that every room was going to need a makeover. Since we have a limited funds and a  “priority list”, my laundry room is very low (if not last) on the list! The laundry room is in the basement and it’s huge. It’s got a big folding counter and lots of cabinet space – but it’s in need of updating - BAD. When we moved in, it had a single light bulb in the ceiling with a pull string (no light switch) and was dark and very, very, VERY dirty. I dreaded starting in on it, but I knew that it had to be done - I mean, we couldn't go without clean clothes for too long.

I didn’t want to invest very much (if any) money in this room since we are going to totally renovate it anyway! Where to start? I got Matt to install a new, florescent light (with a switch) to lighten things up. Once the light was installed, I was able to get down there and clean. I took the shop vac over every square inch and then went back with bleach water and wiped everything down!
The lady that lived in this house before us LOVED lace curtains. I had all of the curtains from the house packed up and ready to donate! Wait – I can use those bright, white curtains to lighten up my laundry room! The cabinets had only a couple of doors on them so I removed them altogether and trimmed the top cabinets with lace! I used the longer curtains to hang behind my washer/dryer to help hide the pipes and unfinished wall. I was able to use the remaining curtains to trim my bottom cabinets. I took the 3 cabinet doors and made myself a make-shift table to go between my washer and dryer. After adding a rug, the room looks like a more cozy, clean and bright place to torture myself (I mean wash/dry/fold laundry) and our total cost was only about $25!



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