Mom Moment

With all the hustle and bustle of these new projects, I was feeling really proud of myself. It has been so important to me for us to have a home that we are comfortable in. I wanted Colton to have a cute room, I wanted pretty floors, I wanted to help Matt organize his garage. I was busy, busy, busy making our house comfortable that I completely forgot that what makes Colton comfortable. He doesn't care if he has a cute room or pretty floors, he just wants Mommy and Daddy.

On Monday,  the day from somewhere other than heaven,  I was so frustrated. I had so much to do and Colton just kept crying and wanting me to pick him up. I literally felt like I was going to lose it. I was tired, I had so much to do. I was thinking "why can't you just play and be happy". Horrible Mom moment, but let's be honest, no Mom is perfect. So after battling with him, totally losing my patience, locking myself out of the house and crying (ladies,  you can understand that special time of the month that just makes us cry sometimes). I felt like the worst Mom ever because I really wanted somebody to just take my kid away from me for a few hours. It's the first time that I have felt so overwhelmed and tired that I just wanted a break from him.

My Mom had to come let me in my house,  so she volunteered to take him (I had to teach clogging and she usually watches him on Monday evening anyway). When I went to get him on Tuesday morning, I was still feeling frustrated (honestly, I think it was more tiredness) but Tuesday was a little better. It snowed (for a second) and we ran some errands. Matt and I ate dinner at my parents house because my kitchen is a disaster area (and she was making pulled pork BBQ). :)

Colton slept really good on Tuesday night and so did I. I had planned on painting the living room yesterday but when I got up, I realized that ever since we have moved, I have been busy with projects and haven't dedicated a lot of time to Colton. Maybe that's why he is grouchy! Don't get me wrong, I still play with him and take care of his needs but not really devote my undivided attention to him.

It's been hard on me moving and I'm sure it's been even harder for him getting adjusted.  So yesterday, I was just a Mommy. I didn't paint,  I didn't do laundry,  I didn't try to do any "projects" ...I was just Mommy. You know what?  Colton was so pleasant all day. We went to the grocery store,  we read books, we played with Scout, we took a nap and it felt great.

I know that sometimes Colton needs to understand that Mommy can't hold him or play with him, and there have been plenty of those moments since we moved. I guess since I'm now a stay at home mom, I want to make sure that I'm still "productive". I want to make sure Matt has clean laundry and a clean house to come home to. But the truth is, I'm a stay at home MOM and is important for me to remember that. The most important part of my day is taking care of my little boy. It's a hard job and It's a frustrating job and I'm horrible at it some days, but Colton still loves me and needs me.

Trying to move into a new home and then remodel that home, with a baby, is hard. I totally lost focus of why I wanted a home in the first place. I'm never going to have the nicest, cleanest, most organized house on the block anyway, so I might as well relax, be patient and focus on being a good Mom!


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