Top of the Roller Coaster

It's been a while since I've had the "want to" to sit and write something on here! I think I've just been too busy enjoying outside time with my little man and evenings with my big man. :-)

You know, I have learned that (for me) life as a Mom is really a lot like a roller coaster! One minute, you're up and feeling great and the next you're at the bottom wishing you would've never gotten on the stupid ride. I have been dealing with a lot of ups and downs over the past month or so. I've just been adjusting to life - in general. I've been searching inside myself to try to deal with my issues. I'm finding outlets and activities to help me find my "routine"! Being a stay at home Mom, it's really easy to lose a routine altogether and I hate that feeling. It's a struggle to stay positive and upbeat when you feel tired and ragged!

On a good note, I'm simply amazed at where my Rodan+Fields business has taken me. I've organized that part of my life. I have designated an area for "Mom's office space" (it's really just a computer/printer/calculator on an old desk in the basement - but it's MINE)! :-) I'm absolutely loving this part time biz and can't imagine if I had made the decision to not try it. What a blessing I would've missed out on.

Colton is growing every day. Today, he seems so much taller to me. Every morning he wakes up doing more things, being more coordinated, saying more words, etc... It's just overwhelming some days to think of how fast this time really is passing. My little guy - tugs on my heartstrings every single day! So thankful for that little rascal.

Matt is doing great. Still tobacco free (hooray). He is working hard and being such a great Husband and Dad. I'm so thankful for this man who has searched in himself to be the man he is today! I thank God every day for keeping His hand on my husband.

This past weekend, we celebrated America's birthday. What a BEAUTIFUL weekend we had here in East Tennessee. The weather was perfect. Not humid, sunny, breezy...perfect. I love this time of year. I love seeing all the Red, White and Blue and the flags and the patriotic spirit. All reminders that we do, truly, live in the best country!

Here's to a good week, at the top of the roller coaster!!!


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