Playing Catch Up
My sister checks my blog almost daily and informed me that she is going to stop checking if I don't update!'s some news.
Matt, Colton and I traveled to Indiana the weekend of November 16th. We had such a great time celebrating with his family for Thanksgiving/Christmas. It was so nice to visit with Aunts/Uncles/Cousins that we don't get to see very often. Matt's Mom was even able to fly in from Texas to join the crowd. Of course we always feel like we are limited on time and can't see everybody we would like to - but it was nice, nonetheless.
I feel like I've been in survival/catch-up mode since our trip. Colton caught some nasty bug/virus while visiting Indiana and the poor little guy had a rough trip back to Tennessee. We experienced our first vomiting episode. What better way to experience that than in the truck, while going down the interstate, in the pouring rain/fog...right?!? Once we made it back home, we had a very rough night and next day. Colton decided to share the fun with Mommy & Daddy, and Matt and I found ourselves in the bathroom ALL DAY on the Tuesday following our trip (that day I was extremely thankful for 1) my mom living close enough to come get Colton because we were in no way/shape/form able to take care of our child and 2) for 2 bathrooms in our house). Needless to say, Matt missed several days of work and we completely disinfected our house!
Once Colton was over the stomach bug/virus, a cold took over and we have dealt with that for about 2 weeks. Thankfully, Matt and I have stayed pretty much free of this part of the sickness (with the exception of a few bad days for me) but it has taken Colton a long time to shake this one. This past weekend and this week have been the first nights that Colton has slept for more than 3 hours at a time! Praise the Lord that he is finally getting back to "normal"!
The day before Thanksgiving, it snowed here in Greeneville. For us, it was a pretty good snow and was VERY cold. It was a great day for cuddling and watching cartoons. Matt was off work due to snow and since he and I were "in charge" of the turkey this year, we spent the afternoon
cleaning/prepping it (of course Colton helped)!
Thanksgiving day was nice. It warmed up and the sun was out most of the day. We spent the afternoon at my Mamaw & Papaw Shelton's house in North Carolina. We had about 25 people gathered around the table this year. It was our first "outing" since our trip to Indiana and it was nice to get out and about.
This year has given me so many reasons to be thankful. I'm thankful for my health, for a warm/loving home, my supportive husband who works so hard to provide and who allows me to be a stay-at-home-Mom, I'm thankful for the support of my extended family and I'm so thankful for the little munchkin in my life I get to call "son". Every day, I'm more and more thankful for my Mom. Now that I'm a Mom, I realize how much sacrifice, dedication, patience, love and strength it takes to be a stay-at-home-Mom. I still rely on Mom so much for strength, advice and HELP! I can't imagine not having her close by - thank you Mom for all you do! This year has been so good to us.
Matt, Colton and I traveled to Indiana the weekend of November 16th. We had such a great time celebrating with his family for Thanksgiving/Christmas. It was so nice to visit with Aunts/Uncles/Cousins that we don't get to see very often. Matt's Mom was even able to fly in from Texas to join the crowd. Of course we always feel like we are limited on time and can't see everybody we would like to - but it was nice, nonetheless.
I feel like I've been in survival/catch-up mode since our trip. Colton caught some nasty bug/virus while visiting Indiana and the poor little guy had a rough trip back to Tennessee. We experienced our first vomiting episode. What better way to experience that than in the truck, while going down the interstate, in the pouring rain/fog...right?!? Once we made it back home, we had a very rough night and next day. Colton decided to share the fun with Mommy & Daddy, and Matt and I found ourselves in the bathroom ALL DAY on the Tuesday following our trip (that day I was extremely thankful for 1) my mom living close enough to come get Colton because we were in no way/shape/form able to take care of our child and 2) for 2 bathrooms in our house). Needless to say, Matt missed several days of work and we completely disinfected our house!
Once Colton was over the stomach bug/virus, a cold took over and we have dealt with that for about 2 weeks. Thankfully, Matt and I have stayed pretty much free of this part of the sickness (with the exception of a few bad days for me) but it has taken Colton a long time to shake this one. This past weekend and this week have been the first nights that Colton has slept for more than 3 hours at a time! Praise the Lord that he is finally getting back to "normal"!

cleaning/prepping it (of course Colton helped)!
Thanksgiving day was nice. It warmed up and the sun was out most of the day. We spent the afternoon at my Mamaw & Papaw Shelton's house in North Carolina. We had about 25 people gathered around the table this year. It was our first "outing" since our trip to Indiana and it was nice to get out and about.
This year has given me so many reasons to be thankful. I'm thankful for my health, for a warm/loving home, my supportive husband who works so hard to provide and who allows me to be a stay-at-home-Mom, I'm thankful for the support of my extended family and I'm so thankful for the little munchkin in my life I get to call "son". Every day, I'm more and more thankful for my Mom. Now that I'm a Mom, I realize how much sacrifice, dedication, patience, love and strength it takes to be a stay-at-home-Mom. I still rely on Mom so much for strength, advice and HELP! I can't imagine not having her close by - thank you Mom for all you do! This year has been so good to us.
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