Meeting Santa
On Saturday after Thanksgiving, we took Colton to "meet Santa". I heard about Bass Pro Shops offering a free picture with Santa, and since it doesn't take much to talk Matt into going to Bass Pro (and it takes an arm and a leg to get him to the mall), we decided this was the perfect place for Colton to meet the man in red.
It was a nice drive over to Sevierville and honestly, the store wasn't as crowded as I was thinking it would be. We found Santa's Wonderland and got our "time card". We were able to line up at noon. So, while we waited Colton rode the carousel and we got to browse around the store.
I knew that it was going to be hit or miss on how Colton was going to react to Santa. Since our time slot was noon, we had missed a nap and lunch. He ate part of his lunch while waiting in line but it doesn't really count for an actual "meal". He was still not feeling great (runny nose/cough), it was hot in the store, we waited for almost an hour and he was SLEEPY! About the time I thought we were going to lose him, they called us up to Santa. I could see on Colton's face as we were approaching that he was not having any part of it. He just stared at him and the closer I got to Santa, the farther back he leaned. Once we stopped in front of him, Colton just buried his head in my chest. Santa talked to him and held his hands out. As soon as I set Colton down on his lap - well, the picture speaks for itself. We decided on a family photo and as long as he didn't know Santa was behind him, all was good in the world!
It was a nice drive over to Sevierville and honestly, the store wasn't as crowded as I was thinking it would be. We found Santa's Wonderland and got our "time card". We were able to line up at noon. So, while we waited Colton rode the carousel and we got to browse around the store.

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