Week 35 and counting...

Well, our little Colton is finally the size of a coconut and his mommy feels like the size of a watermelon (or two). He is pretty much fully developed and is just going to “plump up” between now and his entrance into the world. He will probably put on about a pound or more of baby fat before birth. Since he’s getting much bigger, he really doesn’t have much room to move around and probably isn’t doing somersaults anymore (even though it feels like he is) but his kicks are definitely still as frequent as always, and much more powerful. Matt is still amazed when he sees him moving and reminds me that I have an alien in my belly (like I don’t already know). It truly is amazing to feel another life moving inside you and I’ve never experienced anything like it. Lately, I have been going through phases. One day I feel like I’m “nesting” and I get a spurt of energy, I want to throw all the clutter away and clean everything. Then I also have days where I feel like a couch potato an...