I've been watching you

I was driving yesterday and the song "I've been watching you" by Rodney Atkins came on the radio. If you've never heard the song - give it a listen. I have heard that song a million times and I sing along when I hear it. But yesterday, I'm not going to lie, I cried as I listened to the words. For the first time those words hit me right in the face because I have a little man who is watching everything.

I am with Colton a majority of the day and he sees and hears what I do. I know he's watching me and listening and learning. But when Matt comes home, that kid is like white on rice. He is a little sponge, soaking up every movement, every word, every look, every action and every emotion. He watches his Daddy like a hawk. If Matt says "thank you", Colton says "thank you". If Matt says "hey Renee", Colton says "hey Nay". If Matt does it - Colton is right behind him, doing his best to match it (no matter what "it" is)!

That song made me remember how thankful I am for the example that Matt is for our son. There are so many little boys out there lacking a good, positive, strong, loving male in their lives. I think the combination of these things is key. Little boys need a variety of things from their Dads. Things that a Mom just simply can't provide. While strong and rowdy, I love that Matt can be so tender and gentle with Colton. There might be a full on wrestling match in our living room floor or a basketball "shooting" contest in the basement or trucks and trains wrecking down the hall, but there are always hugs and "I love you" at night. I think it's super important for Colton to be the boy that he is with his Daddy, but to also know that it's okay to be loving and gentle.

I've seen the quote so many times, "the best thing a Dad can do for his son is to love his Mom". That is so true. Matt respects me with his words and actions and expects Colton to do the same. I'm so blessed and beyond thankful for a good man that I'm proud for Colton to watch, imitate and look up to. I pray that I never take that blessing for granted!


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