Living in the Moment
Because Matt goes to work, most days, before Colton and I are "up" and he gets home just before C goes to bed - it makes for some long weeks. I'm beyond thankful that he has a job so that he can provide for us - so please don't take this as complaining. It's just a fact - the weeks are long, and I miss him. I feel like we only get an hour here and maybe a few minutes there during the week to chat about anything and everything and that anything and everything usually revolves around our little copper top! :-)

I love weekends. I love that we all 3 get to be together. Even if we are just cleaning/ mowing/ hauling trash/etc...! There's just something about having "my family" together that makes my heart happy! Colton is happier when Daddy's around and, not going to lie, Mommy is too. The weekends are our catch up days. I catch up on laundry (that seems to appear out of nowhere most days) and cleaning and Matt works through his "honey-do list"!
This past weekend, we did things a little different. On Saturday, Matt had to do a little bit of work in the morning, so he took Colton to the job site with him and I stayed home and cleaned the house from top to bottom. It's amazing how fast I can clean my house now - especially when alone. What used to take me all day, takes about 2 hours. Desperation of wanting it done before anybody comes home to destroy it. :-) I went with my Mom and Dad in the afternoon to help work at Locust Springs (Tad & Connie were in Indiana loving on their beautiful new granddaughter)!! Of course once Mom & Dad dropped me off at home - Colton wanted to go with Papaw. With Colton gone, I took advantage of the time and suckered Matt into tackling the grocery list with me! :-) Mom & Dad invited us to dinner and treated us all to some yummy goodness at Outback. Colton had steak for the first time - I think he liked it. After a stop for ice cream, Saturday was in the books!
Matt, Colton and I love being on or near the water so on Sunday, we drove up to Boone Lake to check it out. We looked at some boats (that we can't afford) and saw some beautiful homes. We packed a lunch and had a picnic at the Winged Deer Park. Colton got to play in the water and on the swings. It was such a beautiful day. We did nothing but just relax, explore and live in the moment (isn't that what life's about?!?) - it was a fun day.
Last week was a rough week for me. I didn't feel well (battling some of that upper respiratory/head cold/sore throat junk that's been going around) and I was just feeling sorry for myself. Sunday was a re-charge for me. Sunday helped me to stop and realize how thankful I am. Life is GOOD!!!

I love weekends. I love that we all 3 get to be together. Even if we are just cleaning/ mowing/ hauling trash/etc...! There's just something about having "my family" together that makes my heart happy! Colton is happier when Daddy's around and, not going to lie, Mommy is too. The weekends are our catch up days. I catch up on laundry (that seems to appear out of nowhere most days) and cleaning and Matt works through his "honey-do list"!

Matt, Colton and I love being on or near the water so on Sunday, we drove up to Boone Lake to check it out. We looked at some boats (that we can't afford) and saw some beautiful homes. We packed a lunch and had a picnic at the Winged Deer Park. Colton got to play in the water and on the swings. It was such a beautiful day. We did nothing but just relax, explore and live in the moment (isn't that what life's about?!?) - it was a fun day.
Last week was a rough week for me. I didn't feel well (battling some of that upper respiratory/head cold/sore throat junk that's been going around) and I was just feeling sorry for myself. Sunday was a re-charge for me. Sunday helped me to stop and realize how thankful I am. Life is GOOD!!!
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