
The other day I saw a quote that said "working hard for something we don't care about is called stress but working hard for something we love is called passion." and it made me really think about my passion(s). I know I am passionate about my husband and kids and I work hard at being a homemaker. I am passionate about my Rodan+Fields business and I work hard at helping those on my team achieve their goals. But I also find myself thinking (a lot) about writing and coming back to this blog.

Today, I sat down and read back through some of my posts. My journey over the past 5+ years has had ups and downs. We have added kids and new jobs and moves to the mix. I have grown in so many ways and I can look back on these entries and see the growth that has taken (and continues to take) place. I had high expectations of blogging every day, building something with it, sharing it and maybe exploring what this would look like for me. That vision has changed. I now know that this is simply a place for me to document my experiences as a wife, a Mom, a woman and a friend. 

As I sit down today and type out this entry, I have no expectation or deadline or goal. I simply have a passion for documenting our experiences here on Calico Road. I am already feeling less pressure to perform and more freedom to just write whatever comes to my heart. Isn't it funny how much pressure we can put on ourselves to perform? My goal is to give myself grace and to allow myself room for growth. 

My word for this year is INTENTIONAL. I have made it a personal goal to be more intentional with my time, my money, my efforts, my attention and my relationships. I have been working on some things that I can't wait to share with you but we'll save that for another day!

So here it is - April 6, 2018 and I am excited about this chapter of life! 


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