
I read a devotional this morning called "when relationships feel like obstacles". Oh how this hit me in such a tender spot this morning because I have really been looking into my relationships (and myself) lately. Am I closing people off? Am I spreading myself thin? Are my expectations too high (or low)? Am I allowing myself to let God work through these people he's placed in my life? Every person, every relationship has a purpose.

Sometimes it feels like life would be so much easier if we could just get from one place to another with no distractions and interruptions. Like, for instance, when you're just trying to get across town and you get stopped by a train or a funeral procession or lots of traffic. Maybe, just maybe, there was a reason why you were delayed. Perhaps if you were 30 seconds earlier, you would've been in an accident.

Sometimes, like traffic jams, people (relationships) can feel like big interruptions. We're just going along, living our lives and then all of a sudden this person is inserted into our life. Do I really have time to get to know another person? Isn't my life full enough, busy enough? Is this relationship really worth the effort I'm investing? What if they don't reciprocate the feelings/efforts? This person really did me wrong, why do I have to give them the "time of day". In the moment, it can feel like it's just an interruption of our life or plans, but when we look back, we can see that these very relationships are what shape us into who we are and what put us on the exact path we're on today.

I love an excerpt from the devotional that said, "Don’t fix your feet in concrete. Keep moving and savor the fellow sojourners God deposits along your path, remembering to look back every now and then. A purposeful glance in the rear-view mirror will clearly show how desperately we needed what somebody brought us.".

Some relationships are going to bring us great joy and companionship. Others are going to bring us much disappointment and heartache. We can't live life trying to avoid the disappointment because we'll miss out on all the meaningful relationships. I'm thankful that God is the creator of my puzzle. He's got all the pieces and He knows exactly how it all fits together!


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