
I'm failing at documenting these days. I haven't posted since March 1. It makes me sad because I have so much to put down and share. Mostly, I love sharing so I can look back and reminisce when these days are long gone but partly, I love sharing in hopes that somebody out there can relate to my crazy, normal, imperfect life.

Tonight, Matt and Colton are "camping out" in the basement (which consists of popcorn, staying up later than normal to watch TV and sleeping on the couch's pull-out-bed)! So, I have a few minutes (if I'm lucky, hours) before Ryleigh knows I'm in my room alone, comfy and quiet (that's her cue to wake up and need something).

SO much has happened since my last post, I can't even remember it all. I'll hit the highlights.

I reserved Colton a spot for "3's pre-school" which will start in August. It's such an emotional roller coaster, but the biggest feeling I have is blessed. I'm blessed that Colton wants to go, that he's physically able to go and that we can financially afford the opportunity.

Colton also started private swim lessons in March and he is doing really well (and really seems to like it).

Ryleigh is about to work some bottom teeth through (if you pray, you could pray that it will happen sooner than later because she's a hot mess, bless her heart).

Colton had his 3-year "well-check". He's 42" tall and weighs 39 pounds. Dr. McGill says he's the size of an average 5-year-old (no wonder none of his clothes fit) and is in his words "Colton is healthy as a horse". We are thankful for a good report!

We have started attending First Christian Church here in Greeneville and we really like it. We feel very welcome, comfortable and that (at least for this season) this is a good place for us to be! We are thankful that several of our friends attend and we get to visit and worship beside them each week. Praise God for the small things.

Easter weekend was fun. My sister came to town and actually stayed all night at our house (sorry Mom and Dad, we got her this time)! She and I cheered UNC to a victory over IU (sorry, Matt) on Friday night and then we were each other's motivation to hit the 'Y' for a Shred/WOD class on Saturday morning. I actually shot a basketball on Saturday. It had only been about a year. My sister always seems to bring that out in all of us! :-) After church on Sunday, we had a nice lunch at Mom and Dad's and Colton hunted eggs. It was a much-needed weekend to re-charge.

I'm still participating in classes at the 'Y' and I have to say that I'm amazed at what it's done for me. The childcare workers are amazing, so I can go in and feel 100% comfortable with spending some time on myself. It's an important part of my schedule now and I'm thankful for it.


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