Simple Saturday

If you know my husband, you know that he is always into a project at our house. It's both a blessing and a curse. I LOVE having a husband who does all of our home remodel projects and is handy around the house, but I don't always love the mess (especially with a toddler in the house). Matt works really long hours through the week, so we are weekend warriors when it comes to projects/anything fun/family time/etc... It's hard to cram it all in sometimes.

Remodels and projects used to be so simple. Matt would get them ready for paint, I would paint and do the finishing touches and wham, bam, we were done! When you throw in a very busy toddler, who wants to "help" with everything - it really slows down the pace.

Colton feels like the weekends are his time with Daddy (which he should). If Daddy is home, he wants to be in whichever room Daddy's in, doing whatever Daddy's doing. Although this is awesome on most occasions, it's not so awesome when you're trying to work on a "construction project" in a small space. Since we've been trying to wrap this project up for several weeks, Matt told me "if you can just take Colton and leave for a day, I can get all this finished up". So, that's what I did! I was dreading it. I selfishly thought to myself "Ugh, I am with Colton by myself all week - I just want a Saturday to do something myself" but I said "Okay - sounds like a plan".

While out and about today, I realized something. We were having fun. We were doing "normal" things. I had to go to Big Lots, we stopped by Belk, we went to the bank, we went to Hallmark, the grocery store, we stopped by the playground and we ended up at Mom and Dads so Colton could take a nap. We did all the things we normally do but Colton was great. No fuss, no problems, no meltdowns. Why was this day different than any normal week day when I try to do these things? Did Colton now it was Saturday? Was Colton feeling sorry for me? Was it really Colton at all, or was it me?

It was me. My attitude today was different. My mindset was different. I didn't care if we got anything done today, we were just out to be out of Matt's way. I lowered my expectations today. I fully expected a meltdown and a fussy boy so I was just out "wasting time". But I'm so thankful that in the middle of my "wasting time" I realized, my time wasn't wasted at all. I was having a really great day with my son.

I learned something today, something that I've been told and I've read in books.Something that just clicked! If you change your attitude, you can change your life. We live in a busy, busy world and it's so easy for me to feel the need to rush, to be productive, to go-go-go. Sometimes, I need to slow down or even stop and just enjoy what's right in front of me.

I hope you all can slow down and just have a Simple Saturday!!!


  1. Okay, it's me, anonymous again. Just can't figure this out. Don't remember how you told me to put my name out there. I'll probably piss you and Matt off and maybe someone else. But here's my thoughts. Glad you had a good day with Colt. Sad you was dreading it. Glad Matt gets home and still works on your house. Sad cause he dose'nt let Colt stay around to help. Some days can be frustrating. But, looking back, even those days were enjoyable. Love all 6 of my big kids, but I sure miss my little kids. Thank GOD for grandkids. Keep them coming guys.

  2. Isn't that the truth. It's amazing what can happen when you focus on "just being". Taking each moment for what it is without trying to control or change it. Sometimes the best days come out of not planning anything...(this said from the queen planner herself). Yes, there are responsibilities and deadlines that we must adhere to, but learning the art of being in the moment can make life so great! Proud of you!! You're an awesome mommy.


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