shine a little brighter

Writing a blog is a funny thing. For me, my blog is my outlet or my journal. The posts that appear on my computer screen are just random thoughts and events from my life. I know some people read them and some people don't. I do try to keep my posts upbeat and positive, but there are days that it doesn't come out that way. I try to stay away from political debates and drama. I simply like to share stories and my experiences as a woman, a wife and a Mom. If it helps somebody along the way, that's fantastic. I, in no way, am trying to preach, teach or influence anyone by what I write. I am not writing to anybody specific - just myself. I want to make sure that all of you reading my blog understand that my blog entries are just me, being me. I'm sorting through the messy and the good that make up my crazy life. I have learned through this writing process that it's helping me to grow into a better person, each and every day!

After a really great conversation with my sister this past weekend, something hit me. I can be the most positive, caring, loving person in the entire world and if what I say and what I do and what I write reflect negativity, then nobody will ever believe that I'm positive, caring and loving. You see, positive communication is SO important. I know that communication is important, but I sometimes forget the positive part. It's so easy to truly be thankful for what I have but as soon as I open my mouth, start complaining about the things lacking in my life. It's natural for me, as a human, to lean towards the bad and not the good. It's just our nature.

My life is changing. I can feel it. I'm far from perfect, but I want God to work in my life. I'm willing to learn and I'm willing to listen and those are two things I'm not so sure I was willing to do a year ago. I thought I was in this place a year ago, but I wasn't. I truly feel God walking with me, guiding me and helping me on this journey! I'm sure that I feel him more because I have spent more time talking to him than I ever have. I pray for guidance as a woman, a wife and a mother, on a (multiple times) daily basis. I truly want to be a better me. I want to love people unselfishly. I want to be the kind of person that others confide in. I want to be a light!

It's really easy to get caught up on drama and negativity and outside influences. Every time I get on social media, turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper, I'm surrounded by all of those things. In turn, I want to talk about the drama, the negativity and the outside influences (most of which don't even directly effect me). That's not my job. My job is to find the good, to speak positively and shine a light. So, if you don't mind, encourage me. Help me to be a better friend, family member and person. Help me to stay positive and find the good. Let's all shine our light a little brighter!!!


  1. You are a very special person and you make me proud!! Nice insight...


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